. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................... daniel rondeau @ uvic economics
@ publications
31. rondeau, d. and c.a. vossler. 2024. "incentive compatibility and respondent beliefs: consequentiality and game form." working paper 2024-02, department of economics, university of tennessee.
30. vossler, c.a., m. doyon, s. bergeron and d. rondeau. 2023. "revisiting the gap between the willingness-to-pay and willingness-to-accept for public goods." journal of the association of environmental and resource economists. 10(2): 413-445. See also the "appendix of supplementary material.
29. bateman, i.j., a. dannenberg, r. elliott, m. finus, p koundouri, k. millock, a. munro, e.j.z robinson, d. rondeau, i. schumacher, e. strobl, and a. xepapadeas. 2020. "economics of the environment in the shadow of coronavirus." environmental and resource economics 76:519-523.
28. rondeau, d., b. perry, and f. grimard. 2020. "the consequences of COVID-19 and other disasters for wildlife and biodiversity." environmental and resource economics 76:945-961.
27. conrad, jon m. and d. rondeau. 2020. natural resource economics: analysis, theory and applications. cambridge university press.
        26. bull. c.l. p.courty, m. doyon and d. rondeau. 2019. "failure of the becker-degroot-marshack mechanism in inexperienced subjects: new tests of the game form misconception hypothesis." journal of economic behavior and organization, 159:235-253.
25. chassin, d. and d. rondeau. 2016. "aggregate modeling of fast-acting demand response and control under real-time pricing." applied energy 181:288-298.
24. rondeau, d., p. courty, and m. doyon. 2016. "simultaneous allocation of bundled goods through auctions: assessing the case for joint bidding." american journal of agricultural economics 98 (3): 838-859.
23. courty, p., d. rondeau, and m. doyon. 2015. "unbundling truthful revelation when auctioning bundled goods." economics bulletin 35(4):2512-2517.
22. conrad, j.m., and d. rondeau. 2015. "bioeconomics of a marine disease." marine resource economics 30(4):393-416.
this article received the marine resource economics foundation's 2016 outstanding paper award.
        21. doyon, m., d. rondeau, c.a. vossler et f. roy-vigneault. 2015. "biais hypothétiques et conséquences: mesure de biens et services écologiques en agroforesterie au québec", dans j.-p. revéret et j. dupras eds., l'économie des services produits par les écosystèmes. presses de l'université du québec.
20. lafferty, k., d. harvell, j.m. conrad, c.s. friedman, m.l. kent, a.m. kuris, e.n. powell, d. rondeau, s.m. saksida. 2015. "infectious diseases affect marine fisheries and aquaculture economics." annual review of marine sciences 7:471-496.
19. bush, g., n. hanley, m. moro, and d. rondeau. 2013. "measuring the local costs of conservation: a provision point mechanism for eliciting willingness-to-accept compensation." land economics 89(3):490-513.
18. vossler, c.a., m. doyon, and d. rondeau.2012 "truth in consequentiality: theory and field evidence on discrete choice experiments". american economic journals: microeconomics 4(4):145-171.
this article was awarded the 2022 "publication of enduring quality award" by the canadian agricultural economics society. from the caes: "this prestigious award recognizes books, articles within books, or journal articles that are at least ten years old and have had a significant impact on agricultural, food, and resource economics."
17. linnell,j.d.c., d. rondeau, d.h. reed, r. williams, r. altwegg, c.j. raxworthy, j.d. austin, n.hanley, h.fritz, d.m. evans, i.j. gordon, b.reyers, s.redpath, and n.pettorelli. 2010. "confronting the costs and conflicts associated with biodiversity." animal conservation 13(5):428-430.
16. doyon, m., d. rondeau and r. mbala. 2010. "keep it down: an experimental test of the truncated k-double auction." agricultural and resource economics review 39(2):193-212.
15. messer, k., g.l. poe, d. rondeau, w.d. schulze and c. vossler. 2010. "social preferences and voting: an exploration using a novel preference revealing mechanism." journal of public economics 94(3-4):308-317. +++ appendix of supplementary material.
14. rondeau,d. and j.a. list. 2008. "matching and challenge gifts to charity: evidence from laboratory and natural field experiments". experimental economics 11(3):253-267. +++ supplementary material (data and instructions)
13. bulte, e.h. and d. rondeau. 2007. "compensation for wildlife damage: habitat conversion, species preservation and local welfare." journal of environmental economics and management 54(3):311-322.
12. rondeau,d. and e.h. bulte. 2007. "wildlife damage and agriculture: a dynamic analysis of compensation schemes." american journal of agricultural economics 89 (2): 490-507.
11. bulte, e.h. and d. rondeau. 2005. "why compensating for wildlife damages may be bad for conservation." journal of wildlife management 69(1):14-19.
10. rondeau,d., g.l.poe and w.d. schulze. 2005. "vcm or ppm? a comparison of the performance of two voluntary public goods mechanisms." journal of public economics 89:1581-1592. +++ additional material: ppm instructions vcm instructions within-subject instructions
9. buttle, j. and d. rondeau. 2004. "an incremental analysis of the value of expanding a wilderness area". canadian journal of economics 37(1):189-198.
8. list, j.a. and d. rondeau. 2003. "the impact of challenge gifts on charitable giving: an experimental investigation". economics letters 79:153-159.
detecting other-regarding behavior with virtual players." journal of economic behavior and organization 51:99-109.
6. rondeau,d. and j.m. conrad. 2003. "managing urban deer". american journal of agricultural economics 85(1): 266-281.
5. poe, g.l., j. clark, d. rondeau and w.d. schulze. 2002. "provision point mechanisms and field validity tests of contingent valuation." environmental and resource economics 23:105-131.
4. schulze, w.d., g.l. poe, i. bateman and d. rondeau. 2002. "is the scope test meaningful in the presence of other-regarding behaviour?". in j.a. list and a. de zeeuw eds., recent advances in environmental, resource and energy economics cheltenham, uk, edward elgar publisher, pp. 365-384.
3. rose, s.k., j. clark, g.l. poe, d. rondeau and w.d. schulze. 2002. "the private provision of public goods: test of a provision point mechanism for funding green power programs." resource and energy economics 24:131-155.
2. rondeau, d. 2001. "along the way back from the brink." journal of environmental economics and management 42:156-182.
1. rondeau, d., g.l. poe and w.d. schulze. 1999. "voluntary revelation of the demand for public goods using a provision point mechanism." journal of public economics 24:131-155.
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