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Chan K'in's narrative


Chan K'in's narrative was originally recorded on 1/4 audio tape in the context of a documentary film production that was undertaken in 1991. The setting was set up by the director, Suzanne Cook, to record interactive exchanges between Chan K'in and a number of the community's children. Chan K'in was asked to tell the children a story. The film crew can be heard in the background talking to Chan K'in
Chan K'in with walking stick and cigar




(background camera crew)...


tin warah ti7
eh a känänteh
känänteh k'aax
wa ch'ihech
wa ch'ihech
tech a känäntik k'aax
wa kimen ten a känäntik
a känäntik k'uh
a känäntik
eh wa kimi a tet
kimi a tet
kimi bor kimi...
k'ayum kimi
ele kimi k'in
känänteh a tet
känänteh a na7
ele känänteh k'aax
eh a känäntik k'aax
tumen k'aax
tumen la k'axeh
ti7 to7onex yan
baykin wa
ma7 tookik ma7
yok'o yaax k'ineh
t'abeh k'ak'eh
a wa ich k'aax wenech
le tupeh
mänä7 bix bähe7
yok'o ha7eh mänä7

mänä7 mä7 u yereh k'aax

känäneh a kor
karetak ki7 känänteh
päk'eh a när
ele ku ts'oko yan a näri,
e yan a t'at'anik k'uh
yan a ts'ahik u hor yan a pokik

a pokik när
a ts'ahik ti7 k'uh pätan
a ts'ek ti k'uh
a metik ma7ats’il
ka ts'ahik ti k'uh
eh tech
t'aneh a hahantik
ku ts'okol a ts'ekeh
a hantik
a na7
lah känänteh a na7
tiyan u meyah a na7 mä7 p'aktik a na7
a tet
tuworo lah ne tsoy a wor
känäntik k'aax bix 7uchik
7u nuki winik
7uchik u nuki winikeh
ne yan ti7 k'aax, mänä7 yan bäk' yan mänä7

chen bähe7
mänä7 tumen... xiko7oneex tun
pimi kah
pimi tsetar
ti7 yano7oneex walak'ba ti7 walo7oneex
lahe7 mänä7 bäk'
yan hah k'äxtik huhunto
a hah ts'oksik ti7 k'uh

a wuk'ik ti7 k'uh a känäntik

känänteh k'uh känänteh
meteh u yatoch mak poch ti7
wa tech
wa mak wa a wits'in
mak poch ti7 wa tech wa...
a sukun mak poch ti7
lehi leh i(n) ka känäntikeex yete
wa poch ti7 uk'eex bache7
tsoy a wor
ki7 k'aynen(?)[<k'aynahen?]
k'ay käneex u k'ay k'uh
käneex u k'ay lah u nuki winik

bix 7uchik u nuki winik lah a känik
lah känik
a kukitik tech
eh bay, ta kalan
bä7ik ah
tsetar tu ka bineh käneh

chen bäkeh
lah k'uhel chen mä7 p'ätik
tulah 7uchik bix 7uchik keteh
a na7 mä7 p'aktik a na7 mä7 p'aktik a tet
a na7 känänteh
wa tan u ch'apa a na7
ka t'anik k'uh
tan u ch'apa wa mak u mak abäheh
a ti7al wa yäni tech a winik ch'ihech
lehi ka t'anik
eh tan a mänik ts'ak bähe7 yan yahileh
yan yahil ah k'uheh
lah yahil mänä7 mänä7 u kunya ti7
ha7li ts'ak
se7em ts'ak
ts'ak chibahämneni ts'ak
eh yan hach chibahämnen u tili ti7

ele k'uh ka t'anik
yan tan a t'anik k'uh ne tsoy
tan u yantik bek 7uchik lay
7uchik mix kah ne 7uchikeh
tuworo k'uh
woro k'uh ku t'aneh tuworo ba7
u bootah u yuk'(ul) ah bache7 u bootah k'uh
u ts'aba hun u ts'aba k'uxu7
u ts'aba ti7
ti7 k'uh
ku ts'oko ti7 winik,
yan wah

yan bäk'
yan menah yok'o ts'u7 nahwah
yan bache yan
säkha7 yan
ma7ats’ yan
ti7 k'uh
lehi u boori
ti7 u lik'i 7uchik winik
tu lik'i ten tu ch'ihen ten in tet
yan bäk'
yan bäk' yan ma7ats’ yan
k'ay yan pom yan
k'ik' yan
ele lati7 u boorih ti7 k'uh ne tsoy
eh bay
le ne tsoy ta känäntik
känänteh k'aax känänteh
ki7 känänteh k'aax ki7 känänteh



Se lo dije
Cuíde la selva.
Cuando creces
cuando creces
tú cuída la selva.
Cuando muero yo, tú lo vas a cuidar.
Vas a cuidar los dioses
Vas a cuidarlos.
Eh, cuando se muere tu papá,
tu papá está muerto,
Bor está muerto,
K'ayum muerto,
entonces, K'in está muerto
Cuíde tu papá.
Cuíde tu mamá.
Entonces, cuíde la selva.
eh cuidas la selva,
porque la selva,
porque la selva,
existe para nosotros,
o cualquiera.
No lo quemes, no.
En el ano nuevo,
(si) prende un fuego,
Cuando estás dormiendo en la selva,
no es como ahora.
Hay agua.
(Cuando hay agua), no(es necesario apagar fuegos?).
(Cuando) no hay (lluvia), no quemar la selva.
Cuíde tu milpa.
Rozalo, cuídalo muy bien.
Siémbra tu maíz.
pues, cuando termina, tienes maíz
Tienes que hablar a los dioses.
Tienes que dar la primicia. Tienes que ofrendarlo.
Ofrendas maíz.
Lo das a los dioses, formados.
lo ofreses a los dioses
Lo haces su posol.
Lo ofreces a los dioses.
Eh tú
rezas (y luego) lo comas un poco.
Cuando (has) terminado darlo,
lo comes.
Tu mama,
cuída a tu mamá.
Está el trabajo de tu mamá, no lo vayas a odiar a tu mamá
Tu papá...
sé bueno para todos.
Cuída la selva como antes
los antepasados.
Antes de los antepasados,
había mucho daño en a la selva , no habían muchos animales-- habían, pero no habían (mucho).

Pero ahora
no hay porque... dónde podamos ir?
(Hay) muchos campesinos,
muchos Tzeltales.
aquí estamos a rodeado, nos rodearon.
Por eso no hay muchos animales.
Hay, (si) lo buscas mucho (encuentras) uno.
(When) terminas la ceremonia para los dioses,
bebes (el balche) para los dioses. Cuídalos.
Cuída a los dioses, cuídalo.
Haz su templo, quienquiera que lo desea
Si es tú,
o quienquiera,o tu hermanito
quienquiera quiere, si es tú, o
tu hermano mayor que quiere,
eso es, lo cuidamos con ellos.
Si quieren tomar balche,
estan muy feliz.
Cante bien(?).
La canción, aprenden Uds. las canciones de los dioses.Aprenden Uds. las canciones de los antepasados.
Como los antepasados antes, ustedes aprenden todo.Las aprendas todo.
Tú lo sientas en el corazón,
Ah bueno, lo aprendes
así, ah
los Tzeltales dónde van a aprender.

Solo no
dejes todos los dioses
antes era completo, igual como antes.
Tu mamá no enojas tu mamá. No enojas tu papá.
Cuída a tu mama.
Si se inferma tu mama,
habla a los dioses.
Se inferma ella, o quienquiera está infermo, tus hijos,o es tú mismo,(cuando)
estás una persona mayor,eso es que vas a dicer.Púes, compras la medicina, ahora.Hay enfermidad.Porque
hay enfermidad que los dioses (curan).
todas las enfermidades. No hay, no hay curas secretas para ellas solo medicina:
medicina para gripe;
medicina para dolor de estómago; medicina para todo
púes hay dolor de estómago verdadero, es aparte.
Entonces, hablas a los dioses
Tienes que hablar con los dioses muy bien
Están ayudandolo,como los días pasados.
Antes no habían campesinos muy antes.
Todos los dioses,
hablaban los antepasados a todos los dioses de todas las cosas;
todos señores.
lo pagaban la bebida de balché, lo pagaban a los dioses.
Le entregan mata palo. Le entregan achiote.
Se lo entregan a éllos,
para los dioses.
Cuando termina para la gente,
habían tortillas,
había carne
que está hecho en el centro de los tamales.
había balché. Había
posol (un tipo muy fina). Había
posol. Había...
para los dioses.
Eran su pago.
Allí crecieron los antepasados,
donde me crecí donde me crecí , yo con mi padre.Habían animales.
Había carne. Había posal.Habían
canciones. Había copal. Había
hule. Habían.
Entonces, esos seran los pagos para los dioses, sera muy bien.Canciones,
Ah bueno,
eso será muy bueno. Lo cuidas.
Cuida la selva. Cuidalo.
Cuida bien la selva. Cuidalo bien.



I told them,
take of it.
Take care of the forest.
Take care of it.
When you grow up,
when you grow up,
you will take care of the forest.
When I die, you will take care of it.You will take care of the gods,
you will take care of them.
Eh, when your father is dead,
your father is dead,
Bor is dead,
K'ayum is dead,
and well, K'in is dead,
take care of it.
Take of your father.
Take care of your mother.
And, take care of the forest.
eh take care of the forest,
because the forest,
because the forest
is for us,
or whoever.
Don't burn it, no.
In the new year,
(if) you start a fire,
put it out!
When you are sleeping in the forest,put it out!
it's not like right now.
There is water.
(When there is water), there is no (need to extinguish fires?)
(When) there isn't any (rain), there is no burning of the forest.
Take care of your cornfield.
Clear it (and) take good care of it.
Plant your corn.
And then,
well, when it's finished, you have corn.You have to pray to the gods.
You have to give the First Fruits. You have to offer it.
You offer corn.
You give it to the gods, folded.
All right,
you offer it to the gods.
You make their posol.
You offer it to the gods.
And you
offer it (and) eat a bit of it.
When you (have) finished offering it, you eat it.
Your mother,
take total care of your mother.
It is your mother’s work, don't annoy your mother.
Your father...
be very kind to everyone.
Take care of the forest like before,
the ancestors.
Before the ancestors,
there was a lot of destruction in the forest, there weren't many animals -- there were, but (not many).

But now
there aren't, because... where would we go? (There are) many farmers, many Tzeltales.
we are surrounded, they surround us.
That's why there aren't any animals.There are, (if) you really look for them (you'll find) one.
(When) you finish the ceremony for the gods
you drink (the balche) for the gods. Take care of them.
Take care of the gods, take care of them.Build their temple,whoever wants to.If it's you,
or whoever, or your little brother,
whoever wants to, if it's you, or
your older brother who wants to,
this is it, we take care of this with them.If you want to drink balche,
you are content.
I sang well(?).
The song, learn the songs of the gods.Learn the songs of the ancestors.

Like the ancestors before, you learn them all.Learn them completely.
You learn them by heart.
OK, you learn
like the
Tzeltales, when you go (to their churches)
Only don't
completely (forget) the gods.
Up until recently, it was same as before.
Your mother, don't annoy your mother. Don't annoy your father.
Take care of your mother.
If your mother gets sick,
pray to the gods.
She is sick, or whoever is sick, your children,or yourself, (when) you are a grown-up,this is what you will say.
Well, you are buying medicine, now. There is illness.Because
there is illness the gods (heal)
all the illnesses. There aren't, there aren't ritual cures for them all, just medicine: flu medicine;
stomachache medicine;medicine
(medicine) for everything.
And so,
then there is the real stomachache, that's different.
And so, you pray to the gods.
You have to pray to the gods really well. They help (cure) it, just like back in the old days.Long ago there were no farmers long ago.All the gods,
the ancestors prayed to all the gods for everything, all
the lords.
The drink was paid, the balche was paid to the gods.
Bark headbands were given. Achiote was given.
They were given to them,
to the gods.
When it was over for the people,
there were tortillas,
there was meat
that was prepared in the centre of tamales.There was,
there was balche. There was
(a very fine type of) corn drink. There was posol. There was...
for the gods.These were their payments.
There the ancestors grew up,
where I was raised, where I grew up, my father and I.There were animals.
There was game. There was posol. There were songs. There was copal. There was rubber. There was.
These were the payments to the gods, it was very good.Songs,
Ah, well,
that was all very good. You take care Take care the forest. Take care of it
Take good care of the forest. Take good care of it.That's all.

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