Welcome to the Social Dimensions of Health Program

Social Dimensions of Health (SDH) is a research-intensive graduate program with an innovative approach to interdisciplinary health research.

The program centers on a unique training and research collaboration among the Faculties of Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Human and Social Development. This collaboration links research opportunities based in UVic research centres with the Faculties' academic mandates, enabling students to work and study with faculty members who are both excellent teachers and actively engaged in cutting-edge research.

Independent of any departmental or disciplinary faculty affiliation, the SDH program provides students with maximum flexibility to pursue their research interests by emphasizing relatively few required courses and focusing on colloquium participation and experiential learning that incorporates community-based approaches, evidence-based modeling and training in research skills, knowledge and methodologies.

By cross-cutting disciplinary affiliations and supporting a broad range of student interests, the SDH program provides an academic home for all graduate students interested in health research and promotes the development of well-trained health researchers ready to assume positions of responsibility and authority in the fields of health and wellness.

The SDH program offers programs of study leading to Master of Arts, Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. For information on admission and program requirements, please see the Graduate section.