San Francisco, as did other major business centres, relied
on consumer demand. In the 1840s, prostitutes were almost admired by the
public due to the scarcity of women.
These views were, of course, beneficial for prostitutes because it gave
them some sort of social significance. Prostitutes had a competitive advantage
against the men in the 1850s, but this changed in the 1870s when they
became the ones who had to compete for business. Between the 1850s and
1860s, prostitution changed from an admirable occupation to merely a tolerated
one. The positioning of prostitutes in society decreased drastically,
because of the Victorian influence that brought change to social order
in San Francisco. This drastic dislike came from the immigration of women
and the change of societal values. In the forties, the demands for prostitutes
were high because the lack of females compared to in the late 1800's,
when supply was higher than the demand.
Everyone knows what prostitution is, no one denies its existence, but
societies from the time of the Sumerians (c. 2000 B.C., the first recorded
reference to prostitution) to the present have never been able to decide
if prostitution is good or evil, natural or deviant, a crime, a sin, or
a necessary service. Whenever the social evaluation of prostitution changed,
it was not because the profession changed but because society chose to
define it in a new way.
The prostitutes' decline in popularity can be traced to the influence
of the Victorian immigrants. In San Francisco, this influence was especially
strong between the 1850s and 1870s. Some critics have suggested that Victorians
tend to preach one thing, yet practise another. The biggest culprits of
this statement were the politicians who gave political speeches during
the day before frequenting the brothels at night.
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