Maynard's Photographic Gallery was one of Victoria's first photography stores, portrait studios, and photography galleries established in 1862 when the Maynard family arrived in Victoria from England via Bowmanville, Ontario. The 1867 Pacific Coast Business Directory out of San Francisco listed three photographers in Victoria; however, Maynard was not listed. Richard Maynard, having arrived first in Victoria to prospect for gold in 1858, saw the potential of the region, returned to Ontario, sold his boot and shoe business and moved his family to the young British colony, arriving in 1862.
Victoria, being primarily dominated by gold rush miners, had an abundance of wealth at the time and a market for the services of both a boot and shoe tradesman and a photographer. While Richard was initially away prospecting, his wife, Hannah, set up the first of their businesses and took care of their children. When Richard returned the boot and shoe business was the focus of his efforts. However, shortly thereafter, Richard learned photography from Hannah and the photography business prevailed, eventually taken over by their son Albert.
The following pages outline the historical contexts of the Maynard's arrival to Victoria and the establishment and legacy of their business. Using the Photographic Gallery as their base of operation, this discussion intends to focus both on the local and the more global success of the Gallery as a retail and service business, but also as an outlet for the colony of Victoria to grow and develop, and for Richard and Hannah to express their artistic capabilities.
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