?-1898 (1)
James was born in Belfast and came to Victoria in 1858. (2) He came to Western Canada for the Cariboo gold rush, but returned to Victoria in 1869. (3)
In 1880, James became a partner in a drygoods store. (4) Later, in 1888, James opened his own store, "J. Hutcheson & Co. General Dry Goods" on Government Street between Fort and Broughton streets. (5) The store had a reputation for quality merchandise and creative - sometimes humorous - advertisements in local papers featuring punch lines like "ISITWETENOUGHFORYOU?" for the sale of umbrellas. (6)
James Hutcheson was offered nomination as an Elder in 1890, but declined the honour although he was elected to the Board of Managers. (7) James had a daughter, Jennie, who taught at the Sabbath School. (8)
(1) W. R. Glover, "The Congregation Who Built the Church," in The Kirk That Faith BuiltThe Kirk That Faith Built: St. Andrew's on Douglas Street, 1890-1990. Published by the Session of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Morriss Printing Company, Victoria, 1989. : St. Andrew's on Douglas Street, 1890-1990 (Victoria: Morriss Printing Company Limited, 1989), 49.
(2) Glover, "The Congregation Who Built the Church," 48.
(3) Ibid., 48.
(4) Ibid., 48.
(5) Ibid., 48.
(6) Ibid., 48-9.
(7) Ibid., 49.
(8) Ibid., 49.