Gourlay G, Hawkins BJ, Albert A, Schnitzler JP and Constabel CP (2021) Condensed tannins as antioxidants that protect poplar against oxidative stress from drought and UV-B.
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Ma D, Tang H, Reichelt M, Piirtola EM, Salminen JP, Gershenzon J and Constabel CP (2021) Poplar MYB117 promotes anthocyanin synthesis and enhances flavonoid B-ring hydroxylation by upregulating the flavonoid 3’,5’-hydroxylase gene. Journal of Experimental Botany 72, 3864-3880.
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Fellenberg C, Corea O, Yan L-H, Archinuk F, Piirtola E-M, Gordon H, Reichelt M, Brandt W, Wulff W, Ehlting J, Constabel, CP (2019) Discovery of salicyl benzoate UDP- glycosyltransferase, a central enzyme in poplar salicinoid phenolic glycoside biosynthesis.
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