Undergraduate Student Projects
Honours or summer projects can be the most exciting part of an undergraduate career. I try to involve one or two motivated undergraduate students in my laboratory each year, working on a small project within our research program. There are also opportunities for part-time work study or volunteering, helping with plant maintenance and tissues cultures during the semester. Contact me directly for more information.
Here are some recent projects done by undergraduates in the lab:
- Characterization of the putative anthocyanin regulators in poplar (Honors, 2014; Jared Stoochnoff)
- Analysis of an Arabidopsis thaliana cinnamoyl CoA reductase-like promoter (Honors Microbiology, 2011; Yavor Denchev)
- Optimization of Agrobacterium rhizogenes mediated transformation of poplar (Honors, 2011; Amy Franklin)
- Characterization of polyphenol oxidase in hybrid poplar xylem (Honors, 2007; David McPhie)
- Overexpression of poplar MYB transcription factor in tobacco (Honors Biochemistry, 2007; Lisa Szegedi)
- Forest tent caterpillar feeding behaviour on transgenic high tannin poplar (2006; Megan Towns)
- Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus on flavonoid gene expression in poplar (2006; Stephanie Louvet)
- Analysis of the poplar defense response under nutrient stress conditions (2006; Eric Bol)
- Isolation of novel stress-responsive pop3 proteins from poplar (Honors, 2006; Eric Bol)
- Expression and purification of poplar flavonoid biosynthetic enzymes in E. coli (2005, Anna Isbister)
- Purification of tannin and analysis of effects of tannins on soil bacteria (2005, Kevin Tam)