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Kurdistan, Iraq Participation
In 2003 42 pieces of artwork were sent from children in Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan (Northern Iraq). A group of Kurdish high school students and facilitators are currently seeking connections with a local high school in Victoria. Ideas for exchange are: music, ballet, Kurdish dance, games, artwork - to be put onto a DVD in Iraq.

Google Earth

Kurdistan is blessed with abundant precipitation, making it one of the few watersheds of the Middle East. Rich, arable land supports food production for the region's population. Despite its mountainous nature, Kurdistan has more arable land proportionately than the majority of Middle Eastern countries. In the east of Iraqi-Kurdistan archaeologists found evidence of the first human settlement in history with evidence of wheat cultivation. The region has three Universities and 2700 schools. English is taught from age 11 onwards. Since the war, there has been bombing to the north and around the near by oil field, as well as several incidents on the Iraq/Kurdistan border.

Support from Kurdistan Save the Children (KSC) fund