
Lesson 11

1. My arm hurts and I have a fever. I want to brush my teeth and go to bed early.

2. Susanna has brown eyes and short, blond hair. She is very pretty but she always looks at herself in the mirror.

3. Kids, you must wash your hands and your face every morning and evening. Also, you must comb (your hair) with the hair brush.

4. We told him to take a shower but he answered us that he didn't want to do it. We sent him to bed!

5. They explained to us that they could not give us the scissors because we were too young. They said, "We're sorry, but we can't!"

6. I phoned her and asked her to advise me. After I wrote to her to thank (ringraziare) her. I also sent her some yellow flowers.

7. The Fellinis? They donšt like to take a bath; they prefer to take a shower. Mr. Fellini likes to shave with the electric razor and she likes to dry her hair with the hair dryer.

8. I'm sorry, but I cannot lend him my toothbrush and my soap... It's not right! We donšt even know each other!

9. She hurt her knee, her foot and her shoulder. Her nose, her ear, and her throat also hurt for three days.

[ Department of Hispanic and Italian Studies ]
Oggi in Italia © Houghton Mifflin.