
Lesson 8

1. Here is my son-in-law, my daughter's husband. They fell in love three years ago. They got engaged last year and they married in May. What a beautiful couple!

2. Our niece wants to live with her boyfriend. Her parents don't want it. They cannot understand the young!

3. I have to marry Marcello because I love him. He loves me too but he is already married. He must divorce... there is no other solution!

4. We were not able to go out last night because Miss Trezzi called us. I did not want (I refused) to speak with her; my sister-in-law had to do it.

5. - Here I am! Do you see me?
    - No, I don't see you. Where are you?
    - I am here with Fido. Why don't you look for us??
    - Because I don't want to find you (pl.)!

6. - Where are the strawberries? You must buy them this evening.
    - No, I bought them this morning. I put them in the fridge. I don't want to go out again!

7. T.V.? I like to watch it, but only when I cannot see my friends. I want to see them every evening but sometimes I cannot.

8. My stepmother? I invite her to our parties but she doesn't come. I invited her for Christmas but she said, "We don't want to come." I don't understand her...

[ Department of Hispanic and Italian Studies ]
Oggi in Italia © Houghton Mifflin.