Wharf Street 1881




Historical Background of Victoria

City Description

General Progress on Wharf Street

List of Wharf Street Businesses

Profiles of Business Owners

Building Profiles and Architecture





Oddfellows Club, 500 Fort Street at Wharf Street

The Oddfellows Club was built in 1863 and is one of the older buildings on Wharf Street. The location of the Oddfellows Club follows a long-standing practice among businessmen to construct their clubhouses in commercial districts. The building maintained a meeting hall on the second storey that was financed by renting out the commercial storey on the street level. One of the earliest companies to rent the lower level was the fire insurance agent Thomas C. Nuttall & Co. The stucco and Greek key frieze were not original to the structure.52 The building is now the location of The Keg restaurant.



Oddfellows Club- Corner of Fort and Wharf Street - 1974


Oddfellows Club- Currently the Keg Restaurant - 2003