Wharf Street 1881




Historical Background of Victoria

City Description

General Progress on Wharf Street

List of Wharf Street Businesses

Profiles of Business Owners

Building Profiles and Architecture






British Columbia Archives

B.C. Government. Historic Marker on Wharf Street. 1967. Victoria. I-20975.

Bradley & Rulofson. Robert Paterson Rithet. San Francisco. 1862. A-01734.

Case, W. Mrs. John Herbert Turner. 21 September 1861. Halifax. A-01860.

Dally, Frederick. Occidental Hotel. 1865. Victoria. A-02706.

Dally, Frederick. Lower Yates Street, near the corner of Wharf Street. 1868. Victoria. A-01614.

Disderi and Company Limited. John Herbert Turner. ‘n.d.’ A-01859.

Marvin and Tilton Business Records 1862-1922

Maynard. Customs House on Wharf Street. ca. 187-?. Victoria. C-03860.

Maynard. Ss. R.P. Rithet in Victoria Harbour. 1882. Victoria. A-00135.

Maynard. Turner, Beeton and Co. 1883. Victoria. F-07459.

Maynard, Hannah. Fort Victoria from Wharf Street. ca. 186-?. Victoria. A-04099.

Maynard, Hannah. Wharf Street. ca. 186-?. Victoria. A-04656.

Rithet Family Personal Papers and Business Records 1860-1944

Shew, William. John Herbert Turner. April 1866. G-08302.

Smith, Garrett. Waterfront Wharf Street from Songhees Reserve. 189-?. Victoria. H-02487.

Undetermined. Departure of Miners Applying for Licences at the Customs House on Wharf Street. . ca. 189-?. Victoria. F-04145.

Undetermined. Emily Carr Age 16 with Bird Perched on Her Right Arm. 1887. B-07510.

Undetermined. Fort Victoria Buildings from Occidental Hotel. 1864. Victoria. A-04106.

Undetermined. Hollybank, the Home of Robert Paterson Rithet, Humbolt Street. ca. 1880. Victoria. A-01735.

Undetermined. Hudson’s Bay Co. Warehouse. ca. 187-?. Victoria.

Undetermined. J.Heaney Cartage Wagon, Wharf Street, Victoria, Pither & Leiser. ca. 189-?. Victoria. G-00652.

Undetermined. Looking North On Wharf Street From Fort Street. ca. 186-?. Victoria. A-03033.

Undetermined. Looking South from Yates Street Down Wharf Street. ca. 1880. Victoria. A-00726.

Undetermined. Richard Carr Residence, 207 Government St.. August 1891. Victoria. A-09186.

Undetermined. Richard Carr, Studio Portrait.. 1876. E-09901.

Undetermined. Staff of R.P. Rithet & Co.. ca. 190-?. Victoria.F-09923.

Undetermined. The Keg ‘n Cleaver, 500 Fort Street.Victoria. 1974. Victoria. E-03787.

Undetermined. Victoria, Hudson’s Bay Co. Store, Douglas Street. ca. 192-?. Victoria. G-01080.

Undetermined. View of Victoria Harbour Looking North Showing Johnson Street Bridge, Customs House and Gorge Inlet. ca. 1880. Victoria. A-05706.

Undetermined. Wharf Street Showing the Enterprise Dock at the Time of the Klondike Gold Rush. c. 189-?. Victoria. D-07254.

Undetermined. Wharf Street Showing Turner, Beeton & Co., at the Corner of Bastion Street. ca. 193-?. Victoria. C-06131.

Undetermined. Wilson and Proctor Ltd.. Dowell’s Storage Ltd., Wharf Street.ca.195-?. Victoria. B-02385.

University of British Columbia Special Collections. Fire Insurance Maps, 1885.

Bawtinheimer, Mark. “Victoria’s Rithet Building.” Heritage West (Spring 1981): 12-13.

Carr, Emily. Book of Small. London: Oxford University Press, 1942.

Cauthers, Janet. A Victorian Tapestry: Impressions of Life in Victoria, B.C. 1880-1914. Victoria: Aural History Program, 1978.

City of Victoria Heritage Advisory Committee. City of Victoria: Heritage Conservation Report. Victoria: 'n.p.' 1975.

Daily British Colonist January 1881- December 1881.

Daily Colonist (Victoria) 8 July 1873.

Dominion of Canada. “Vancouver Island Census, 1881.” viHistory. “n.d.” <http://www.vihistory.ca> (15 February, 2003).

Fawcett, Edgar. Some Reminiscences of Old Victoria. Toronto: William Briggs, 1912.

Ginzburg, Carlo. “Microhistory: Two or Three Things That I know about It.” Critical Inquiry 20 (Autumn 1993): 10-35.

Grant, Peter. Victoria: A History in Photographs. Vancouver: Altitude Publishing, 1995.

Gregson, Harry. A History of Victoria 1842-1970. Victoria: The Victoria Observer Publishing Co., 1970.

Heritage Advisory Committee. Wharf Street: City of Victoria Heritage Designation Report. Victoria: Heritage Advisory Committee, 1974.

Hudson's Bay Company. Victoria's Centenary 1843-1943: From HBC Fort to Modern City. Victoria: Hudson's Bay Company, 1943.

Kluckner, Michael. Victoria the Way it Was. Vancouver: Whitecap Books Ltd., 1986.

Levi, Giovanni. “On Microhistory.” in Peter Burke, ed. New Perspectives in Historical Writing: University Park: Pennsylvania State Press, 1991.

Mills, G.E. Architectural Trends in Victoria, B.C. 1850-1914. Parks Canad,. 1976.

Morgan, Roland and Emily Disher. Victoria Then and Now. Vancouver: Bodima Publications, 1977.

Quantz, Melissa. 2003 Photographs of Wharf Street.

Reksten, Terry. More English than the English: A Very Social History of Victoria. Victoria: Orca Book Publisher,. 1989.

Segger, Martin and Douglas Franklin. Exploring Victoria’s Architecture. Victoria: Sono Nis Press, 1996.

Victoria Centennial Celebration Society. Centennial Celebrations 1862-1962. Victoria,' n.p.' 1962.

Williams, R.T. “The British Columbia Directory for the year 1882-83” viHistory. “n.d.” <http://www.vihistory.ca> (15 February, 2003).



I wish to thank the following for their help and resources:

The British Columbia and City of Victoria Archives for their assistance and the use of their visual materials.

Those who worked on the viHistory website for their efforts in making the census and directory data easily and readily available for research.

Mike Richard for his technical support and assistance.