. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................... daniel rondeau @ uvic economics
@ bio
i am a professor and former chair of the department of economics at the university of victoria. as a micro-economist, i specialize in the study of environmental and resource management issues; and in the applications of experimental methods to a broad array of individual and group decision problems.
my research appears in leading publications such as the journal of public economics, economics letters, the american economic journal: microeconomics, the journal of economic behavior and organization, and the canadian journal of economics. my work has also appeared in all top ranked journals in environmental and resource economics: the journal of the association of environmental and resource economics, journal of environmental economics and management, environmental and resource economics, land economics, resource and energy economics, and the american journal of agricultural economics.
two of my papers have received awards. my 2012 paper with christian vossler and maurice doyon on the role of incentive compatibility in environmental valuation (american economic journal: microeconomics, 2012) received the 2022 publication of enduring quality award from the canadian agricultural economics society. my paper with jon conrad on the optimal management of abalone afflicted by a virus was selected as the best paper published in marine resource economics in 2015.
the list of my academic publications can be found on my google scholar page.
i am a long-serving co-editor of environmental and resource economics, the journal of the european association of environmental economists and one of the leading publications in the field. i am an associate research fellow of cirano - the montreal-based center for inter-university research and analysis on organizations and an associate researcher of create, laval universiy's center for economic research in the environment, agriculture, transportation and energy.
in 2020, jon m. conrad and I published an advanced natural resource economics text and reference book for researchers at cambridge university press.
Reviews and endorsements
"Natural Resource Economics is one of the rare books in resource economics that combines theory and applications, but also the mathematical tools to apply the theory to real world problems. It provides solid coverage of the theory of nonrenewable and renewable resources while focusing on specific applications - for example, the economics of antibiotics - which are becoming increasingly important. Overall, this is a book which would be an invaluable asset not only to graduate students but also to experienced researchers in resource economics."
Anastasios Xepapadeas, Athens University of Economics and Business, and University of Bologna
"Natural resource economics stagnated, even with growing awareness of climate change and sustainability. Conrad and Rondeau provide the perfect update, with all of the basic tools for building one’s own model, state-of-the-art coverage of exhaustible and renewable resources, and important applications for emerging problems of pest control, antibiotics, and wildlife."
Don Fullerton, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
"Natural Resource Economics presents the theory behind resource economics with an elegant mathematical presentation that should be very appealing to advanced students. Their handling of dynamic modeling and application of that theory to several different resource topics is particularly impressive."
Robert Mendelsohn, Yale University
bibliographic reference: Conrad, Jon M., and Daniel Rondeau. Natural Resource Economics: Analysis, Theory, and Applications. Cambridge University Press, 2020.
dr. daniel rondeau
department of economics
university of victoria
342 business and economics building
victoria, bc, v8w 2y2, canada
tel.: 250 472 4423
email: rondeau [at] uvic [dot] ca
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