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Jive progression for grade 6 and 7
Music beat and basic footwork

Partner formation and music

Partner formation with basic turn

Partner relationships in basic pattern with " washing dishes" and " slide" moves

Combination of moves with increasing tempo of music

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SECTION 5 - Combination of moves adding on windmill move, then gradual increase in tempo of music

Start in basic, then go into shoulder position.  Timing in q, q into S, S where you put hands over your partner's shoulders.
Pairs practice new move in own time.
From basic pattern, going into should position on S, S, then rotate in time with q, q, and S, S, then q, q, rotate around back on S, S, to facing partner on q, q.  Let pairs practice without music
Let students practice to music combining previous moves with the windmill.
As students are ready the tempo of the music can be increased.
Students can practice combinations they feel comfortable with.
Encourage students to sequence different moves together as they feel comfortable.
Students can add new moves to their dancing and show it to the rest of the class.