Organizational Strategies


1) Equipment

All equipment neeeded for each class should be laid out and organized prior to the onset of the class.  This gives the students easy access to the materials they need and ensures they gather it in an orderly manner.
2) Teaching Space
The field or gym is divided into grids that have room for approximately 8 students.  These grids can be easily modified to suit student abilities by making them smaller or larger.  As well as size modifications, the initial grids also provide the framework for the progression games that eventually lead to the final game of touch rugby.
3)  Teacher Positioning
The teacher must be continuously circulating as games and skill development activities are progressing.  This will ensure that all students are on task and able to successfully complete the required skills.  The instructor may demonstrate skills by bringing the class as a whole into a semi-circle or by demonstrating from a central position within the grid arrangement.
4) Classroom Expectations