This drill emphasizes ball control, accuracy and positioning. This drill also introduces using one of the on-the-ball skills (forearm or overhead pass) taught to return the ball over the net accurately.
On-the-ball skills
Off-the-ball movements
Forward and backward movement
Side step
Student A will underhand toss the ball, aiming at a target on the opposite side of the net. Student B will let the ball bounce once and then return the ball over the net using the forearm or overhead pass. This will continue until Student B makes 5 successful returns or Student A hits the target. Then roles will be reversed.
Aim of the Game:
To toss the ball over the net to hit a target / To make 5 consecutive successful returns
1. Ball must land within the playing area
2. Ball must not bounce on tosser’s side / Only one bounce on passer’s side
3. Ball must be tossed underhand / returned with a forearm or overhead pass
Use a student demonstration to introduce the skill, have entire class watch. Students can work in partners - one partner finds space on a net and the other retrieves the equipment.
Target = cone, beanbag, etc.
Questioning / Cues
How should you position yourself if you know the ball is being aimed at the target? Move back behind the target after every return.
When waiting for the return, how can you make it easier to get to the ball? Always be in ready position, constantly read and adjust to opponents movement.
Colton’s Clue
Always think about the learning domains.
This drill can develop the affective / social domain by partnering students of varying abilities.