Modified Line Game
This game is similar to the bounce game played in the previous lesson, but further develops the concept of space and scoring points by having students play the ball over a line or “net”.
    On-the-ball skills
        Sending (bounce)
        Receiving (catch)
    Off-the-ball movements
        Forward and backward movement
        Side step
Concept & Skill Development
Aim of the Game:
To make the ball bounce twice in opponent’s playing area.
1.    One point if the ball bounces twice on opponent’s side or opponent plays it out of bounds
2.    Ball must land on opponent’s side of the line
3.    Start / restart play by tossing ball to opponent’s side
Teacher can organize two skilled students to demonstrate.
With a partner students take two cones and find a space in the gym.  Place cones approximately five feet apart and students go on opposite side of the line.
Possible Modifications
Increase or decrease the length of the line based on ability.  Change the type of ball being used.
Questioning / Cues
What was the benefit of adjusting to your opponent’s positioning? Gave you a better angle to receive the ball and prevent them from scoring.
What techniques did you use to force your opponent to make a mistake?  Quick passes to space, changing height or speed of pass.
Modified from Tim Hopper class lesson.