Geomatics Technology in Support of Physically Based Modelling


This archive page is still under construction. To be added soon are data (both in situ and remotely sensed data) on the following projects:
  • Remotely sensed images of the foothills of Alberta including estimates of Leaf Area Index derived from Landsat and MODIS. This data was in support of research in forest regeneration. Please see the thesis of D.M. McAllister and co-authored publications for more information.
  • Remotely sensed images of Northern Manitoba and spatial data on snow cover extent. This research was in support of water resources modelling in Northern Manitoba. Please see the thesis of S.M.K. Poon and co-authored publications for more information.
  • In situ data on duff moisture in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains and in Northern Saskatchewan as well as meteorological data and spatial data. This research is in support of the duff moisture modelling efforts leading to duff consumption and information on forest regeneration. Please see LD Raaflaub dissertation and publications.
  • In situ estimates of forest transpiration and vegetation informatics. This data was collected in support of research on forestry

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