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Do not use any other web pages for information or registration


This web site is meant to provide students and teachers with an alternative to the registration package that has traditionally been sent to schools. These packages are still available (see the Contact page if you would like one) but the majority of people are now using the website. The following are some hints when visiting the site.

The latest information and registration package (.pdf file) for the Fair is available for download on the Forms page. It contains all of the information and regulations you will need to read about the fair as well as the registration forms.

You can also download the information directly from the web pages on this site, however, it is recommended that you download the registration package to ensure you get all of the necessary information and registration forms.

You should make a point of visiting the news page now and again. Any updates in the fair or clarifications will be posted there.

The judging page gives the judging criteria and philosophy that the judges will use during the fair. It's a good idea to check out this page to see what the judges will be looking for. There is also a page that provides judges with guidelines on what represents the various levels with regard to experiment, study, and innovation.

If you have questions regarding the fair, contact the Fair Chair through the contact page. The Society for the Advancement of Young Scientists hosts the fair and some of its members can be contacted by email. If you have problems with the website or suggestions for improvements, please contact the webmaster.

Are you wondering how to begin a project?

You should start by talking to your science teacher. You can get an idea of what past participants have done from the project titles on the awards page, and the links page will direct you to lots of excellent websites that provide guidance.

REMEMBER to refer to this website for the rules and project guidelines regarding the Vancouver Island Regional Science Fair!

Science Fair Help for Elementary Students

You want to do a Science Fair project. How do you start? What do you do?

Here is a great starting point! Click on
      "An Introduction to the Scientific Method for Elementary Age Students (PDF)"
by Cheryl Nigh.

Cheryl Nigh is a teacher at Gordon Head Middle School and Vice President of the Society for the Advancement of Young Scientists. She prepared these worksheets for a presentation to parents of elementary school parents, and to distribute to teachers.

Developing a Science Fair Project

Read this description of how to design a Science Fair Project

The Need to Knead - By Wendy Topic

A successful experiment starts with a question or observation about the world around you. Once you have a question, you can design an experiment that will allow you to find an answer.

Deciding on the variables that you will test and control is the key to a successful design.

Join Milo as he designs an experiment to test "The Need to Knead".

Read the full article HERE.

Science Fair Project - Ethics

When designing a Science Fair Project it is important to consider the ethical impact of your experiment. Read the following page for some important tips – But It's My Hamster by Lauren Hudson
