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Temple, V. A., Alston, K. F., Elder, J. J., & Stuart-Hill, L. (in press). The effect of a pacer versus no-pacer on submaximal fitness test results among Special Olympics athletes. European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity.

Temple, V. A., Lefebvre, D. L., Field, S. C., Crane, J. R., Smith, B., & Naylor, P. (in press). Physical health and well-being vulnerability in kindergarten: Relationships with motor skills and physical activities.  Journal of Motor Learning and Development.

Crane, J. R., Naylor, PJ., & Temple, V. A. (2018, Sept). Tracking the physical activity and sedentary behaviour of children from kindergarten to grade 2. Children, 5, 131-142, doi:10.3390/children5100131

Rozak, K., Foley, J. T., MacDonald, C., Bryan, R., Lloyd, M., & Temple, V. A. (2018). Physical activity frequency of Special Olympic athletes aged 8-18 across economic status. European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity, 10(2), 14-19.

Lloyd, M., Foley, J. T., Temple, V. A. (2018, Jan). Maximizing the use of Special Olympics International’s Healthy Athletes Database: A Call to Action Research in Developmental Disabilities. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 73, 58-66.

Müller, U., Temple, V., Smith, B., Kerns, K., Ten Eycke, K., Crane, J., & Sheehan, J. (Aug, 2017). Evaluation of the Effects of a Nature Kindergarten on Children’s Psychological Functioning. Children, Youth and Environments, 27(2), 47-69.

Temple, V. A., Guerra, D., Larocque, L., Crane, J. R., Sloan, E., & Stuart-Hill, L. (Aug, 2017). Fundamental motor skills in the first year of school: Associations with prematurity and disability. European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity, 10(1), 3–9.

Crane, J. R., Foley, J. T., Naylor, PJ., and Temple, V. A. (Aug, 2017). Longitudinal change in the relationship between fundamental motor skills and perceived competence: Kindergarten to Grade 2. Sports, 5, 59-68; doi:10.3390/sports5030059

Santarossa, S., Temple, V. A., Rintala, P., M. Lloyd., & DeMarco, B., & John T. Foley. (Aug, 2017). Muscular Strength of Adult Special Olympians by Country Economic Status. European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity, 10(1), 10–16.

Frey, G. C., Temple, V. A., & Stanish, H. I. (Jul/Aug 2017). Interventions to promote physical activity for youth with intellectual disabilities: A systematic review. Salud Pública de México, 59(4), 437 – 445.

Temple, V. A., Frey, G. C., & Stanish, H. I. (Jul/Aug 2017). Interventions to promote physical activity for adults with intellectual disabilities. Salud Pública de México, 59(4), 446 – 453.

Foley, J. T., Lloyd, M., Turner, L., & Temple, V. A.  (Jul/Aug 2017). Body mass index and waist circumference of adults with intellectual disability participating in Special Olympics in Latin America. Salud Pública de México, 59(4), 416 – 422.

Temple, V. A., & Foley, J. T. (online June 2017. A peek at the developmental validity of the Test of Gross Motor Development – 3. Journal of Motor Learning and Development, 5, 5 -14. DOI:

Field, S. C. & Temple, V. A. (June 2017). The relationship between fundamental motor skill proficiency and participation in organized sports and active recreation in middle childhood. Sports, 5, 43; doi:10.3390/sports502004

Rintala, P., Temple, V. A., Lloyd, M., Faro, C., & Foley, J. T. (online 29 May 2017). Association of poverty and social exclusion with body mass index among Special Olympics athletes in Europe. International Journal of Public Health. DOI: 10.1007/s00038-017-0982-5

Adamo, K. B., Wilson, S., Harvey, A. L. J., Grattan, K., Naylor, PJ., Temple, V. A., Goldfield, G. S. (Aug 2016). Does intervening in childcare settings impact fundamental movement skill development? Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 48 (5), pp. 926–932. PMID: 26656776

Goldfield, G., Harvey, A. L., Grattan, K; Temple, V. A., Naylor, PJ., Alberga, A. S., Ferraro, Z. M., Wilson, S., Cameron, J. D., Adamo, K. B. (Aug 2016). Effects of child care intervention on physical activity and body composition. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 51(2), 225-231. DOI: 10.1016/j.amepre.2016.03.024

Hundza, S., Quartly, C., Kim, J. M., Dunnett, J., Dobrinsky, J., Loots, I., Choy, K., Chow, B., Hampshire, A., & Temple, V. A. (online 2016, Jan). Similar barriers and facilitators to physical activity across different clinical groups experiencing lower limb spasticity. Disability and Rehabilitation, 38 (14), 1370-1381.

Sulz, L., Temple, V., & Gibbons, S. (2016). Measuring Student Motivation in High School Physical Education: Development and Validation of Two Self-Report Questionnaires. The Physical Educator, 73(3). doi:

Temple, V. A., Purves, P. L., Misovic, R., Lewis, C., & DeBoer, C. (2016, Jan). Barriers and facilitators for generalizing cycling skills learned at camp to home.  Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 33, 48 – 65.

Temple, V. A. Crane, J. R., Brown, A., Williams, B., & Bell, R. I. (2016). Recreational activities and motor skills of children in kindergarten. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 21(3), 268-280. DOI: 10.1080/17408989.2014.924494

Temple, V. A. & Crane, J. R. (2016). A systematic review of dropout from soccer among children and youth. Soccer and Society, 17(6), 856-881. DOI:

Temple, V. A., Foley, J. T., & Lloyd, M. (published online 2 Sep, 2015). Body Mass Index of Adult Special Olympians by Country Economic Status. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 12(4), 235–311. DOI: 10.1111/jppi.12123.

Crane, J. R., Naylor, P., Cook, R., & Temple, V. A. (2015, July). Do perceptions of competence mediate the relationship between fundamental motor skill proficiency and physical activity levels of children in kindergarten? Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 12(7), 954-961. DOI:, PMID: 25155099.

Crane, J. R. & Temple, V. A. (2015, Feb). Dropout of sport among children and youth: A systematic review. European Physical Education Review, 21(1), 114–131. DOI: 10.1177/1356336X14555294

Foley, J. T., Lloyd, M., Vogl, D., & Temple, V. A. (2014). Obesity Trends of 8-18 year old Special Olympians: 2005-2010. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35(3), 705-710. 10.1016/j.ridd.2013.12.005

Foley, J. T., Lloyd, M., & Temple, V. A. (2013). Body Mass Index trends among adult United States Special Olympians, 2005 – 2010. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 30(4), 373-386.

Wharf Higgins, J., Temple, V., Murray, H., Kumm, E., & Rhodes, R. (2013). Walking sole mates: Dogs motivating, enabling and supporting owners’ physical activity. Anthrozoös, 26(2), 237-252. 2013-06-01, DOI:

Nasuti, G., Stuart-Hill, L., & Temple, V. A. (2013). The six-minute walk test for adults with intellectual disability: A study of validity and reliability. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 38(1), 31 – 38. doi: 10.3109/13668250.2012.748885. PMID: 23244742.

Temple, V. A., Foley, J. T., & Lloyd, M. (2013). Body mass index of adults with intellectual disability participating in Special Olympics by world region. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. doi: 10.1111/jir.12011. PMID: 23331860.

Naylor, PJ., & Temple, V. A. (2013). Enhancing the capacity to facilitate physical activity in home-based child care settings. Health Promotion Practice, 14(1), 30 – 37. doi: 1524839910393280. PMID: 22146905.

Stanish, H. I., & Temple, V. A. (2012). Exercise behaviors of youth with intellectual disabilities under two conditions at the ‘Y’. World Leisure Journal, 54 (3), 280-287. DOI: 10.1080/04419057.2012.702457.

Lloyd, M.,Temple, V. A., Foley, J. T. (2012). International BMI comparison of children and youth with intellectual disabilities participating in Special Olympics. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 33(6), 1708-1714. PMID: 22699244.

Murray, H., Wharf Higgins, J., Temple, V., Tuokko, H., Porter, M., and Rhodes, R. E. (2012). Measurement of dog walking behaviour: Strengths and weaknesses of various methods. Health & Fitness Journal of Canada, 5 (1), 16 – 27.

Talley, L., Cook, R., Naylor, PJ., & Temple, V. A. (2012). Physical Activity during full-day and half-day kindergarten. Northwest Passage: Journal of Educational Practice, 10 (1), 140 – 148.

Rhodes, R. E., Murray, H., Temple, V. A., Tuokko, H., & Wharf Higgins, J. (2012). Pilot study of a dog walking intervention: Effects of a focus on canine exercise. Preventive Medicine, doi:10.1016/j.ypmed.2012.02.014. PMID: 22405707.

LeGear, M., Greyling, L., Sloan, E., Bell, F. I., Williams, B., Naylor, P., & Temple, V. A. (2012). A window of opportunity? Motor skills and perceptions of competence of children in Kindergarten. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 9(29), doi: 10.1186/1479-5868-9-29.

Lloyd, M.,Temple, V. A., Foley, J. T. (2012). International BMI comparison of children and youth with intellectual disabilities participating in Special Olympics. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 33(6), 1708-1714.

Murray, H., Wharf Higgins, J., Temple, V., Tuokko, H., Porter, M., and Rhodes, R. E. (2012). Measurement of Dog Walking Behaviour: Strengths and Weaknesses of Various Methods. Health & Fitness Journal of Canada, 5 (1), 16 – 27.

Naylor, PJ., & Temple, V. A. (2012). Enhancing the capacity to facilitate physical activity in home-based child care settings. Health Promotion Practice, doi: 1524839910393280.

Rhodes, R. E., Murray, H., Temple, V. A., Tuokko, H., & Wharf Higgins, J. (2012). Pilot study of a dog walking intervention: Effects of a focus on canine exercise. Preventive Medicine, doi:10.1016/j.ypmed.2012.02.014.

Stanish, H. I., & Temple, V. A. (2012). Efficacy of a peer-guided exercise program for adolescents with intellectual disability. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-3148.2011.00668.x.

Talley, L., Cook, R., Naylor, PJ., & Temple, V. A. (2012). Physical activity during full-day and half-day kindergarten. Northwest Passage: Journal of Educational Practice, 10 (1), 140 – 148.

Temple, V. A. (2012). Child’s Play: Physical Activity and the Early Years. In E. Singleton & A. Varpalotai (Eds.), Pedagogy in Motion: Establishing a Community of Inquiry for Studies in Human Movement. London, Ontario: The Althouse Press.

Crane, J. R., Naylor, PJ., Bell, R., Williams, B., and Temple, V. A. (2011). Off to a great start? The motor skill proficiency of children in Kindergarten. Proceedings of the 25th Annual QDPE Conference, available at

Gibson, J. C., Anhold, J., Temple, V. A., & Gaul, K. (2011). Nutrition needs assessment of young Special Olympics participants. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 36 (4), 264 – 268.

Gibbons, S., Temple, V. A., & Humbert, M. L. (2011). Enhancing girls’ participation in physical education: A framework for practice. Physical and Health Education Journal, 77, 16 – 23.

Rhodes, R.E., Temple, V.A. & Tuokko, H.A. (2011). Evidence-based risk assessment and recommendations for physical activity clearance: Cognitive and psychological conditions. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism, 36: S113–S153.

Rickwood, G., Temple, V., & Meldrum, J. (2011). School-based physical activity opportunities: Perceptions of elementary school parents, teachers, and administrators. PHENex, 3(2), 1 – 18.

Rickwood, G., Temple, V., & Meldrum, J. (2011). The validity and reliability of a school-based physical activity opportunities survey. PHENex, 3(1), 1 – 13.

Temple, V. A., & Stanish, H. I. (2011). Using a peer-guided exercise model to overcome barriers to participation in exercise for youth with intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 15, 209-217, doi:10.1177/1744629511422137.

Temple, V. A., Wharf Higgins, J., & Rhodes, R. E. (2011). Unleashing physical activity: An observational study of park use, dog walking and physical activity. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 8, 766 -774.

Gibbons, S., Humbert, L., & Temple, V. (2010). Making physical education meaningful for girls: Translating theory to practice. PHENex, 2 (2), 1 to 20.

Nasuti, G., & Temple, V. A. (2010). The risks and benefits of snow sports for people with disabilities: A review of the literature. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 33(3), 193 to 198. doi: 10.1097/MRR.0b013e32833638a5.

Rickwood, G. D., & Temple, V. A. (2010). Establishing mentally safe environments for children and adolescents in physical education. PHENex, 2(3), 1 to 13.

Temple, V. A.  (2010). Disability and Public Health.  Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 27, 258-259. [Book Review].

Temple, V. A.  (2010). Healthy Athletes: Strong Bones – Strong Athletes.  Special Olympics Victoria May 2010 – Newsletter, p2.

Temple, V. A. (2010). Objectively measured physical activity of people with intellectual disability: Participation and contextual influences. Physical Therapy Reviews, 15(3), 183 – 196.

Temple, V., Freeman, A., deBoer, C., & Southward, J. (2010). Waking the dragon and making it fly: Dragon boating for children with special needs. PALAESTRA, 25, 26-29, 60.

Temple, V. A., & Naylor, PJ. (2010). Exploring family childcare as a setting for the promotion of physical activity. PHENex, 2 (2), 1 – 16.

Temple, V. A., Walkley, J. W., & Greenway, K.  (2010). Body mass index as an indicator of adiposity among adults with intellectual disability.  Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 35, 116-120, DOI 10.3109/13668251003694598.

Mazzoni, E. R., Purves, P. L., Southward, J. K., Rhodes, R. E., & Temple, V. A. (2009). Effect of indoor wall climbing on self-efficacy and self-perceptions of children with special needs. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 26, 259-273.

Lynnes, M. D., Nichols, D., & Temple, V. A. (2009). Fostering independence in health-promoting exercise. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 13, 143 – 159. doi: 10.1177⁄1744629509340815

Temple, V. A. (2009). Factors associated with high levels of physical activity among adults with intellectual disability. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 32, 89-92.

Temple, V. A., Naylor, P., Rhodes, R. E., & Wharf Higgins, J. (2009). Physical activity of children in family child care. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism, 34, 794-798.

Temple, V. A., & Stanish, H. I. (2009). Pedometer measured physical activity of adults with intellectual disability: Predicting weekly step counts. American Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 114, 15-22.

Lynnes, M. D., & Temple, V. A. (2008). Inclusive artificial wall climbing. Physical and Health Education Journal, 74, 6 – 11.

Frey, G. C., Stanish, H., & Temple, V. A. (2008). Physical activity of youth with intellectual disability. Review and research agenda.  Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 25, 95-117.

Frey, G. C., & Temple, V. A. (2008). Promotion of health for people with intellectual disabilities in Latin America. Salud Pública de México, 50, S167-S177.

Temple, V. A.  (2008). Mastery-oriented competitive climates: Better practice for schools? Thinking Classroom. A Journal of Reading, Writing and Critical Reflection, 9, 47-48.

Temple, V. A., & Lynnes, M. D. (2008). Peer tutoring for inclusion. ACHPER Healthy Lifestyles Journal, 55, 11-21.

Temple, V. A., & Stanish, H. I. (2008). Physical Activity and persons with intellectual disability: Some considerations for Latin America. Salud Pública de México, 50, S185-S193.

Temple, V. A. (2007). Barriers, enjoyment, and preference for physical activity among adults with intellectual disability. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 30, 1 – 7.

Temple, V. & Preece, A. (2007). Healthy Opportunities for Preschoolers Family Resource. A Resource of LEAP BC. Vancouver, BC: 2010 Legacies Now.

Temple, V. & Preece, A. (2007). Healthy Opportunities for Preschoolers. A Resource for Early Learning and Care Providers. A Resource of LEAP BC. Vancouver, BC: 2010 Legacies Now.

Temple, V. A., & Walkley, J. W. (2007). Perspectives of constraining and enabling factors for health promoting physical activity. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 32, 28-38.

Calf, M., & Temple, V. A. (2006). Knowledge, proficiency and children’s safety: A cautionary tale from high jump. ACHPER Healthy Lifestyles Journal, 53, 12-15.

Frey, G., Temple, V. A., & Stanish, H. I. (2006).  Introduction: Preventive health and individuals with mental retardation. Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews, 12, 1 to 2.

Mazzoni, E. R., Southward, J. K., Temple, V. A., Rhodes, R. E., Virji-Babul, & Purves, L. P. (2006). Effect of indoor rock climbing on self-efficacy and self-perceptions of children with special needs: A pilot project. ACHPER Healthy Lifestyles Journal, 53, 10-16.

Stanish, H. I., Temple, V. A., & Frey, G., &. (2006). Health-promoting physical activity of adults with developmental disabilities. Mental retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews, 12, 13 to 21.

Temple, V. A. (2006). Minor adjustment can have a major impact. Physical activity and children with special needs [editorial]. ACHPER Healthy Lifestyles Journal, 53, 3,30.

Temple, V. A.  (2006). Getting a headstart on movement for life.  Snapshots Primary Edition: The Specialist Schools and Academies Trust Journal of Innovation in Education, 3, 8-10.

Temple, V. A. (2006). Minor adjustment can have a major impact. Physical activity and children with special needs [editorial]. ACHPER Healthy Lifestyles Journal, 53, 3,30.

Temple, V. A., Stanish, H. I., & Frey, G. C. (2006). Physical activity of adults with mental retardation. Review and research needs. American Journal of Health Promotion, 21, 2 – 12.

O’Connor, J. P., & Temple, V. A.  (2005). Constraints and facilitators for physical activity in family day care.  Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 30, 1 – 9.

Strickland, J., Temple, V. A., & Walkley, J. W. (2005). Peer tutoring as an instructional design methodology to improve fundamental movement skills. ACHPER Healthy Lifestyles Journal, 52, 22-27.

Temple, V. A., & O’Connor, J. P. (2005).  HOP: Healthy Opportunities for Preschoolers.  Manual for Vancouver Island Health Authority Family Child Care Providers, Victoria, BC.

Temple, V. A., Spasojevic, B., & Hunt, F. G.  (2005). Choice: The key to lifelong physical activity?  Snapshots Secondary Edition: The Specialist Schools Trust Journal of Innovation in Education, 3, 22-24.

Temple, V. A., & O’Connor, J. P.  (2004). Family day care environments and physical activity.  ACHPER Healthy Lifestyles Journal, 51, 12-17.

Doyle, K., Fatone, C., & Temple, V. A.  (2003). Girls’ perceptions of the Have-A-Go Cricket program. ACHPER Healthy Lifestyles Journal, 50, 7-11.

Temple, V. (Ed.). (2003). ACT Little Athletics Risk Management Safety Audit Plan. Ainslie, ACT: Australian Capital Territory Little Athletics Association.

Temple, V. A. (2003). Warm-up to Lacrosse. Strategies, 16, 31-33.

Temple, V. A., & O’Connor, J. P. (2003).  Fostering physical activity for children in child care. Proceedings of the International Education Research Conference AARE – NZARE. Coldstream, VIC: Australian Association for Research in Education.

Temple, V. A., & Walkley, J. W. (2003). Physical activity of adults with intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 28, 332-334.

Dite, W., & Temple, V. A. (2002). A clinical test of stepping and change of direction to identify multiple falling older adults. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 83, 1566-71.

Dite, W., & Temple, V. A. (2002). The development of a clinical measure of turning for older adults. American Journal of Physical Medicine, 81, 857-865.

Temple, V. A. (2002). Lacrosse lead-up games. Strategies, 16, 25-28.

Temple, V. A., & O’Connor, J. P. (2002). Active Care. A Meaningful Movement Program for Children in Care. Melbourne, VIC.

Temple, V. A., & Walkley, J. W. (2002). Effect of group size on the participation of students with mild intellectual disability in physical education. ACHPER Healthy Lifestyles Journal, 49, 26 – 31.

Foster, B., Temple, V., & Walkley J. (2001). An examination of the bone mineral density of women with an intellectual disability. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 18, 49-59.

Temple, V. A., & O’Connor, J. P. (2001). Getting on track: Documenting the need for and process of change in Little Athletics. ACHPER Healthy Lifestyles Journal, 48, 5-8.

Holland, B., & Temple, V. (2000). Physical education inclusion practices in Victorian primary and secondary schools. ACHPER Healthy Lifestyles Journal, 47, 9-13.

Temple, V. (2000). Enhancing the camping experience through processing. ACHPER Healthy Lifestyles Journal, 47, 18-19.

Temple, V. (Ed.). (2000). Victorian Little Athletics Safety Plan. Melbourne, Victoria: Victorian Little Athletics Association.

Temple, V. A., Anderson, C., & Walkley, J. W. (2000). Physical activity levels of individuals living in a group home. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 25, 327-341.

Arthritis Victoria.  (1999). Active chair-based exercise program: Instructor’s manual. Elsternwick, VIC: Author. Writers: Walkley, J., Temple, V., Brown, L., Parker, S., & Cain, L.

Arthritis Victoria.  (1999). Active chair-based exercise program: Participant’s manual. Elsternwick, VIC: Author. Writers: Walkley, J., Temple, V., Brown, L., Parker, S., & Cain, L.

Temple, V. A., & Walkley, J. W. (1999). Academic learning time – physical education of students with mild intellectual disability in regular Victorian schools. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 16, 64-74.

Temple, V.  (1998). On track: An athletics skills program evaluation. Victorian Little Athletics ASP Update, 1, 1-2.

Temple, V. (1994).  ALT-PE of Integrated Intellectually Disabled Students: A Pilot Study. Studies in Physical Education, Leisure Organisation, Play and Sport, 9, 11-16.

Broad, V. (1982).  Warm to lacrosse: With this simple warm-up. Rebound, 23, 6.