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The Edges of Time: Cornerstones and Time Capsules of Early Victoria

Protestant Orphan's Home

All the direct quotes on this page came from the program of the cornerstone laying, from the BC Archives, (971.63 B862F), additional information on the Cridges came from the Cridge website, , and the archive, but nothing directly.



1. The Daily British Colonist. Victoria, Vancouver Island, Friday Morning, March 11, 1864. Pg. 3, “Independent Order of Odd Fellows.”

2. From: Accessed March 27, 2006.

3. The Daily British Colonist, March 11, 1864.

4. The Daily British Colonist, Victoria, Vancouver Island, Saturday Morning, June 25, 1864, pg. 3. “Oddfellow's Seal.”

5. The Daily British Colonist, Victoria, Vancouver Island, Saturday Morning, July 8, 1864. “Dedication of Oddfellow's Hall.”

6. The Daily British Colonist and Victoria Chronicle, Victoria, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Tuesday Morning, November 15, 1870, pg. 3. “Odd Fellows Hall.”

7. The Daily British Colonist, Victoria, British Columbia, Sunday, April 27, 1879, under New Advertisements.

8. Daily British Colonist, Victoria, British Columbia, Tuesday, April 29, 1879. “The Odd Fellows Celebration.”

9. Daily British Colonist, Victoria, British Columbia, Thursday, December 19, 1878, pg. 3. “Oded Fellows' Hall.”

10. Constitution and by-laws of Victoria Lodge No. 1, I.O.O.F., Victoria, British Columbia, 1878. Pg. 6. Access via “Our Roots: Canada's Local Histories Online”,

Masonic Temple

1. Proceedings of the M.W. Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of the Province of British Columbia, Appendix 2.  I need to get the BC Archives call number for this.

2. Proceedings of the Second Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of British Columbia. Victoria, B.C. 1873. Pg. 7. I need to get the BC Archives call number for this.

2. Daily British Colonist, April 23, 1878.



All the quotes here are from the newspaper article, any other background info is from the YMCA website, but no direct quotes.


St. Ann's Convent School

-page incomplete

St. Andrew's Presbyterian

1. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church website:

2. Archival Record: ??


St. Andrew's Cathedral

1.  “The Corner Stone: Description of the Ceremony to be Performed this Afternoon by the Right Rev. Bishop Lootens,” Victoria Daily Colonist (Sunday October 5, 1890): 5.

2. “The New R.C. Cathedral: Impressive Cermonies Attending the Laying of the Foundation Stone of St. Andrew’s,” Victoria Daily Colonist (Tuesday October 7, 1890): 2.

3. “The New R.C. Cathedral: Impressive Cermonies Attending the Laying of the Foundation Stone of St. Andrew’s,” Victoria Daily Colonist (Tuesday October 7, 1890): 2.

4. “The New R.C. Cathedral: Impressive Cermonies Attending the Laying of the Foundation Stone of St. Andrew’s,” Victoria Daily Colonist (Tuesday October 7, 1890): 2.

5. “The New R.C. Cathedral: Impressive Cermonies Attending the Laying of the Foundation Stone of St. Andrew’s,” Victoria Daily Colonist (Tuesday October 7, 1890): 2.

Synagogue of the Congregation Em-manuel

1.  “The British Colonist”, Wednesday Morning, June 3, 1863.

2. “A Message From Your Own Home Town: Sixty-six Years of History of the Victoria Community”, MS 59, Box 1, File 7a.

3. “The British Colonist”, June 3, 1863.



All the information here came from wikipedia and the Holy Bible, no direct quotes, except the Bible passages.


1. Clifford E. Clark, Jr., “The Ambiguities of Middle-Class Respectability,” Reviews in American History, Vol. 13, No. 3 (Sep., 1985): 399.

2. Nathalia Wright, “The Monument That Jonathon Built,” American Quarterly 5.2 (1953): 167.

3. Clifford E. Clark, Jr., “The Ambiguities of Middle-Class Respectability,” Reviews in American History, Vol. 13, No. 3 (Sep., 1985): 399.


5. Lynn Dumenil. Freemasonry and American Culture, 1880-1930. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984.

Time Capsules

1. Jarvis, William E. Time Capsules: A Cultural History. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co., 2002.

2.Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia:

3. Time Capsules:

4. Voyager:


1. The Victorian Web:

2. Time Perception in Nineteenth-century England:

3. Measuring Time:

4. Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia –

5. Arthur Schopenhauer:

6. Friedrich Nietzsche:

7. Railway History:

8. Time:


1. “Daily British Colonist,” April 23, 1878.

2. “British Colonist,” June 3, 1863.

3. “Daily British Colonist,”April 23, 1878.

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