The University of Victoria (UVic) is located in Vancouver Island in the Pacific Ocean in the West Coast of Canada.
Victoria is the capital of the province of British Columbia, a city known for its beautiful gardens, amazing beaches and hiking trails with breathtaking mountain views. The weather in Victoria is considered mild for Canadian standards with just a few rare snow days in the winter. Victoria host an international airport and it is located within a 30 min flight from both Vancouver and Seattle
UVic is a vibrant center for research in materials science, nanotechnology, photonics and spectroscopy. It hosts the Center for Advanced Materials and Technology (CAMTEC) which support collaborative research in shared state-of-the-art infrastructure. UVic is regularly ranked among the top medium-sized Canadian Universities in research impact and among the top 100 in World rankings that take into consideration the school size.
The Brolo group accepts students and researchers from both the Departments of Chemistry and Physics and Astronomy. We are always open to applications from talented and motivated researchers regardless of race, color, religion, gender and sexual orientation. Our research projects range from the synthesis of nanoparticles to laser spectroscopy and instrumentation. We are also interested in applications in biomedicine, sustainable systems and electrochemistry.
Undergraduate students:
We accept UVic undergrad students interested in our research experience opportunities (CHEM 298, 398, 498 and 499). We are also open to students eligible to the MITACS Globalink program. We also encourage Canadian undergrads through the NSERC USRA program and other scholarships opportunities.
Graduate Students:
Researchers interested in joining the Brolo group as a grad student must first apply to the appropriated Department. Please, either check the admissions requirements for the the Department of Chemisty and contact chemgrad@uvic.ca or go to admissions information about the Department of Physics and Astronomy and contact physgrad@uvic.ca. Notice that a large number of students apply to work in the Brolo group. We have a very limited number of opportunities due to funding limitations, so the competition is high and we accept a maximum of 1 or 2 student / year.
Visting Graduate Students:
We regularly host visiting students with external fellowships from the CSC, MITACS, ELAP, DAAD and so on. Students applying for those scholarships shoudl contact Dr. Brolo to check availability
Postdoctoral Fellows and Visiting Professors:
Postdoctoral positions will be advertised in the appropriated sites when funding is available. At the moment, we don't have funds to support any postodoctoral fellow. However, we do accept enquires from potential postdocs and visiting professors (sabbatical) who can provide their own support through external fellowships.