
StatMech logo Statistical mechanics program to calculate thermodynamic functions from spectroscopic data (for a multiplatform version see Maple below)

Laue logo Program to calculate back-Laue diffraction patterns for face-centred cubic crystals


orbitals logo Routines to calculate and plot hydrogenic and Slater-type orbitals. The newest 2015 version is available from the Maple Applications Centre or on MapleCloud if you are using Maple 2017. The older 2007 version is here.

immfit logo A worksheet that provides procedure immfit, which carries out complex nonlinear least squares fitting of experimental data to an arbitrary function of s = Iω. This can be used to fit impedance, admittance or other similar data, in which real and imaginary parts are measured as a function of frequency, to theoretical expressions such as expressions for the impedance of an electrical circuit. Available from the Maple Applications Centre

Large ampl impedance logo Worksheet for Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (large amplitude and harmonics) for surface mechanisms.

StatMech logo Statistical mechanics program to calculate thermodynamic functions from spectroscopic data