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Summer Institute 2005

This Summer Institute is open to all elementary, middle and secondary school teachers and other educators of children and youth who are committed to building “the world we want” through global arts and the honouring of children.


Date: July 4-8, 2005 Cost: $100 (plus GST) Location: University of Victoria Time: 9:00 ­ 11:30 and 1:00 ­ 2:30 M-F

Registeron-line at

Contact conference registration office at 250 472-4747 for telephone registration. Prepare with name, organization, address, e-mail and payment details. For inquires regarding institute and alternative registration method (cash or cheque) contact Nadine Cruickshanks at 250 721 7806 or e-mail

In addition, institute attendees have first option on the July 9 Salt Spring Island day-long GICEL workshop. Cost: $50 Cdn plus tax. Contact Nadine Cruickshanks to confirm a place.

Institute 2003

In 2003 the Global Arts, Child Honouring and Learning and the World we Want Project got underways with a conference hosted at the University of Victoria. Please visit the conference web site to see where we were then so as to better understand where we are now.