B.A. (Honours) Economics & Mathematics, Dalhousie University, 1977
M.Sc. Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science, 1978
A.M. Economics, University of Michigan, 1980
A.M. Statistics, University of Michigan, 1982
Ph.D. Economics, University of Michigan, 1986
These articles are most representative of my research interests.
" How important are land values in house price growth? Evidence from Canadian cities," forthcoming in the Canadian Journal of Economics. 2022
" Fractional cointegration and price discovery in Canadian commodities," with Ke Xu and Zeyang Cao, North American Journal of Economics and Finance. 63, 2022.
" Are factor biases and substitution identifiable? The Canadian evidence," with J. Li, Canadian Journal of Economics. 51, 2018, pp. 528-548.
" Normalized CES supply systems: Replication of Klump, McAdam, and Willman (2007)," Journal of Applied Econometrics. 33, 2018, pp. 290-296.
" Treating cross-dependence in event studies: the Canadian income trust leak," with L. Zheng, Applied Financial Economics. 21, 2011, pp. 369-377.
" Are sports teams multiproduct firms?" with J.C.H. Jones, Empirical Economics. 39, 2010, pp. 487-514.
" Non-jointness and scope economies in the multiproduct symmetric generalized McFadden cost function," Journal of Productivity Analysis 32, 2009, pp. 161-171.
" International competition in corporate taxation: Evidence from the OECD time series," with M. Webb, Economic Policy, January 2006, pp. 155-201.
" Competition within a cartel: League conduct and team conduct in the market for baseball player services," with J.C.H. Jones and D.G. Ferguson, Review of Economics and Statistics, 82, 2000, pp. 422-430.
" Gauss-Newton, Milliken-Graybill, and exact misspecification testing using artificial regressions," Econometric Reviews, 19, 2000, pp. 233-240.
" Hedonics and demand analysis: The implicit demand for player attributes," with J.C.H. Jones, Economic Inquiry, 36, 1998, pp. 192-202.
" Exact testing in multivariate regression," Econometric Reviews, 16, 1997, pp. 321-352.
" The functional equivalence of the W, LR, and LM statistics," Economics Letters, 49, 1995, pp. 109-112.
" On violence in professional team sport as the endogenous result of profit maximization," with D. Ferguson and J.C.H. Jones, Atlantic Economic Journal, 20, 1992, pp. 55-64.
" An almost ideal demand system for alcoholic beverages in British Columbia," with A.G. Alley and D.G. Ferguson, Empirical Economics, 17, 1992, pp. 55-64.
" Tariffs, tax distortions, and trade liberalization: Alcoholic beverages in B.C.," with A.G. Alley and D.G. Ferguson, Canadian Journal of Regional Science, 14, 1991, pp. 329-345.
" The pricing of sports events: Do teams maximize profits?" with D.G. Ferguson, J.C.H. Jones, and A. LeDressay, Journal of Industrial Economics, 39, 1991, pp. 291-310.
" A direction of bias result for the standard errors of a sequential least squares single equation rational expectations estimator," Economics Letters, 28, 1988, pp. 357-360.
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