Game/Task: Piggy in the Middle Game

Tactical Problem:  Players on outside of the circle attempt to maintain possession of the disc, keeping it away from players inside the circle.
Skill development: To develop accurate throwing and catching abilities.

Game Objective:  Players on outside of circle attempt to keep disc away from 2 players inside circle.

Teaching Cues:

  • demonstrate accurate backhand throwing and catching ability (see teaching cues circle throw drill ).
  • defenders anticipate direction and speed of passes
  • defenders work together to trap disc on one side

Game Rules: 

  • defenders cannot double team thrower (only one person within 3 m of disc)
  • thrower must throw across circle, not directly to person on either side of them
  • thrower has 10 count to throw disc
  • If pass is incompleted, the outside player who drops the disc is put in the middle and the closest defender joins outside of circle.




Organizational Points:

 Class is split into groups of at least 8 players (can be more depending on class size and space).
  • Groups form a large circle with players 3m apart, with 2 players in the middle
  • One disc per group
  • Increase number of defenders in middle of circle (increases difficultly for throwers, decreases difficultly for defenders.
  • Only one defender in middle (decreases difficultly for throwers, increases difficultly for defender.)
