Game/Task:  Three Person Weave 

Tactical Problem: To keep the disc moving, getting used to stopping and starting.
Skill development: To develop accurate passing and catching while moving.

Game Objective:  To work the disc up the field using accurate passing, catching, and moving to the open space.

Teaching Cues:

  • Backhand and catching cues (see circle drill ).
  • Keep head up and awareness of other players postions.  

  Game Rules:

  • Cannot run with frisbee 
  • Player 1 passes to player 2 and goes behind player 2 and up field.  Player 2 passes to player 3 and then goes behind player 3 and up field.
  • Continue the pattern up the field.



Organizational Points:

Groupings:  Set up class into groups of three.
  • get the groups to spread out around playing area and work together in one direction.
  • for advanced throwers, perform weave closer together
  • vary speed and distance between players

  • decrease the speed of the game, begin with players at walking pace.
  • If the students are having difficulty learning weave pattern, begin with walking and ball.
