Game/Task:  Marking and Passing

Tactical Problem: For thrower to pivot around marker and throw accurately into passing lanes.  The receiver must get into open space to receive the pass.
Skill development: To develop pivoting and faking around the marker.  

Teaching Cues:

Marking the thrower-

  • stand with wide stance, kneed bent, weight on balls of feet
  •  keep head up
  • hold arm away from disc high and other arm low
  • bounce on your toes (quick feet)
  • for throwing and catching cues see circle drill
  • marker must stand 1 m away from thrower
  • thrower has 10 sec. to throw the disc
  • must maintain only one pivot foot




Organizational Points :

Groupings:  split class into groups of 3
  • groups find their own space 
  • one person passing with one person passively marking and one person receiving pass, players rotate between positions with passer becomes marker, receiver becomes passer and passer becomes receiver.
  • defender becomes more active
  • add another player to have a defender on the receiver
  • begin exercise using a ball