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fd            The Cone Game            fd
+ Progressions (see below)
Tactical Problem:  Locating and moving to space, defending (progression # 2)
Skill development: Movement from area to area, stopping, passing and receiving

Teaching Points: 

  - Pass and move to open pylon
            - Pass selection 

Skill   - Stop and square body to passer                - Passing
           - Watching the ball


Organizational Points:

The gym or field should be divided into a grid using cones
  • each quadrant has one bean bag in it
  • basketball for higher skilled students
  • students partner up and go to an open quadrant
  • each person starts at a cone
  • pass the bean bag(ball), then run to the open cone
  • call for the pass
  • continuos ! 
Progression # 2 / with  with defender (see below instructions)
  Rationale:  This game is a great way of getting students passing and moving. It is an early progression to moving to open space. Bean bags are easier  to catch and receive which will promote success in weaker skilled students.  Higher skilled students may choose to use a basketball.

PROGRESSION #1:  Use all the passes (chest, bounce and overhead) and a basketball rather than a bean bag.

Rationale: We want to avoid a situation of "pig in the middle".  By giving the defender a role of coach it makes the defensive position more favorable.  It also aids students in discovering the tactics of moving to space.  Teacher may have to encourage  switching of middle person often.  Hopefully the students will start to realize the advantages of creating options or space for teammates.

Below: Mark, Amanda and Natasha use a grid to practice passing and moving to open space.  This game reduces options and makes it possible for newcomers to Territory/Invasion (see Tgfu article for grid work and territory games)  games a chance to discover how to use space, with and without the ball.

gridwork                                  gridwork2