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Warm-Up Activity -
Follow the Leader
+ Progressions (see below)

Tactical Problem:  How to find and move to open space. How to evade a check. How to guard a check

Skill development:  Change of direction, two foot stops and fakes

    Organizational Points:                                                    
  •  Students should partner up
  •  Have them number themselves (#1 and #2)
  •  Explain that 1's  are the leaders and 2's are the followers
  •  On the whistle 1's walk and 2's follow
  •  On following whistle they both stop
  • The follower should be within arm reach of leader
  • 2's then become leaders 
  •  Progress from walk to jog to run
  Follow the Leaderbball           

Rationale:  This warm-up takes little organization. It also progressively prepares muscles and joints  in a similar manner to which they will be used in the lesson.  This warm-up also aids in both discovery of space (both personal and gym or field space) as well as marking and anticipation of opponents movements.  


In this progression the leader (#1) has a bean bag (basketballs may be appropriate for more advanced students)
Rationale:  As passing is focus for lesson #2 it should be introduced in warm up


In this progression the leader #1 has a basketball
Rationale: A good introduction to passing - the focus of lesson #3


In this follow progression #2 but add in ball dribbling