3 Aside Feed Drill

Tactical Problem:  How to forearm pass ball to setter simulating a game situation
Skill development: Positioning of the setter and reacting to where ball is passed from

1.  Feeder tosses ball to passer
2.  Passer passes ball to setter
3.  Setter starts by facing net, once toss is made turn to passer, locate ball, catch ball above head, and one bounces it back to feeder
  • Pass ball correctly 4 times then rotate positions
  • Passer
    • stay low
    • turn to setter
    • flat platform
    • extend legs through contact
  • Setter
    • locate ball and adjust
    • react to pass, push off outside leg
    • cushion ball above forehead 
    setter sets ball to feeder
Teaching Points
  • why do we want to pass the ball to the setter
Pictures in Phase:             1



Diagram of drill on court:

Organizational Points: 
  • groups of 3, # themselves 1,2,3
  • 1' get ball and start as tossers, 2's passers, 3's setters
  • Demo drill first