BLOCK PLAN - Four lesson Grade 7 Volleyball unit

The block plan is an outline of a potential progression for the unit.
Links on block plan go to task/game sheets.  The task/game sheets contain teaching points, cues, organization pointers, diagrams and images.

Lesson 1
Tactical Problem
How to get height on ball (by forearm pass) to produce time (for setter)?
Lesson focus: 
  • The Forearm Pass

Warm-up: (class routine)

    Run around school as a group.  Must be in an arms length of someone.
Introductory task/game
Skill/Concept development tasks/games
Culminating Game:  Recap: 
  • Proper bumping technique 
  • Tacically why do we hit ball high to the setter?
Lesson 2
Tactical Problem
When do you use the volley and why?
Lesson focus: 
  • The Volley

Warm-up: (class routine)

    Run around school as a group.  Must be in an arms length of someone.
Introductory task/game
Skill/Concept development tasks/games
Culminating Game:   Recap:
  • Proper volley technique
  • What is the importance of the volley and when do we use it?
Lesson 3
Tactical Problem
 How to underhand serve the ball to opponents court and how to set up an attack.
Lesson focus: 
  • The Serve and Increase Knowledge of the forearm pass and position of the setter
Warm-up: (class routine)
    Run around school as a group.  Must be in an arms length of someone.
Introductory task/game
Skill/Concept development tasks/games
Culminating Game:  Recap:
  • Proper basic technique of the serve
  • Positioning of the setter
Lesson 4
Tactical Problem
 How do you communicate with your team to increase level and enjoyment of play?
Lesson focus:
  • Return of serve (increase forearm pass skills)
Warm-up: (class routine)
    Run around school as a group.  Must be in an arms length of someone.
Introductory task/game
Skill/Concept development tasks/games
Culminating Game:  Recap:
  • Positioning of return of serve 
  • Setting up the attack