Feed Drill

Tactical Problem: Passer: How to react to serve/feeder to set up attack
                             Setter: How to position yourself to get underneath ball to set up attack
Skill development: forearm pass and volley positioning (simulate game situation)

Drill:(see diagram below)
  • feeder throws ball to x1,  x passes to x2 (standing in hula hoop), x2 carries and puts ball in basket. x1 goes to x2 position. 
  • stay low
  • turn body in direction of contact
  • arms extended
  • flat platform
  • extend legs on contact
  • Competitive Game with other group: first team to five passes to personin the hula hoop wins....
  • feeder throws ball from same side of net (as shown accross)
Teaching Pt.:
  • Why bump to setter and what is the importance of height?
Pictures of feed drill:

Above: Setter getting ready to catch ball 

Below: Forearm pass to setter/hula hoop  

Organizational Points:
  • demo with one group first
  • split class up in four groups