Pancake Game

Tactical Problem: to keep the ball off the ground using as many 'pancakes' as possible

Skill Development: learn how to do a 'pancake', which is a simplified version of a dive

Teaching Points
Tactic: keep hand perfectly flat on the ground and allow the ball to hit the fingertips, this is a 'pancake'
Skill: stay low, knees bent, anticipate ball position after it has bounced on the other player's hand, communication with other player(s)
Pancake 1
Organization points
one volleyball, 2 or more players
Explanation: one player starts by tossing the ball up in the air and the other player runs to where the ball is going to land and performs a 'pancake'.  Players alternate turns performing a 'pancake' on the ball until the ball is too low to perform a 'pancake' underneath.  If using this as a competition between 2 teams, the team that can perform the most 'pancakes' wins.
Square 2

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