Four Lesson Volleyball Unit

The following block plan is an outline of a potential progression for a grade 6-7 volleyball unit.
Depending on the response of the students, this progression could be modified for more or less skilled players.
Links on block plan go to task/game explanations including teaching points, organization, diagrams and images.


Lesson 1  
Tactical Problem
 Learn the basics of the forearm pass and how to use it in a game situation
Lesson focus:  Continuous successful forearm passing between teammates and review lesson on serving
Skill objective: Ready position, bent knees, arms in front, platform with arms, belly button towards target, and center of gravity over feet
Introductory task/game
  1. Square to the Ball Game 

Skill/Concept development tasks/games
  1. Toss and Forearm Pass Back
  2. Forearm Pass with Partner
  3. Short, Short Long
  4. Server with Partner Over the Center Line

Culminating Game

  3 on 3 Without the Net 
  • each teammate must touch the ball before it goes over the net
  • pass over head height
  • allow one bounce on your side of the net if necessary

Lesson 2
Tactical Problem
Learn the basics of the overhead pass and how to use it in a game situation and review of the forearm pass
Lesson focus: Continuous successful overhead passing between teammates and review forearm passing
Skill objective: Ready position, bent knees, arms in front, triangle hands, bellow button towards target, contact ball with finger tips, center of gravity over feet
Introductory task/game
  1. Port-Starboard Game
  2. Forearm pass in 2 lines

Skill/Concept development tasks/games
  1. Set to Ground Continuously
  2. Lying on Ground Passing with a Partner
  3. Pass, then Touch a Line
  4. Castle Game 

Culminating Game
3 on 3 Without the Net
  • one bounce if needed
  • pass over head height
  • each teammate must contact the ball before it goes over the net

Lesson 3 
Tactical Problem
Learn how to use space in the context of volleyball                 and anticipate the ball position
Lesson focus: Space Orientation
Skill objective: Positioning and use of open space when you have possession of the ball as well as anticipating where the ball will go
Introductory task/game
  1. Shadow Tag Game
  2. Castle Game

Skill/Concept development tasks/games
  1. Square Game
  2. Passing in 3's Without Boundaries
  • every player must contact the ball before it goes over the net
  • no spiking
  • do not let the ball touch the ground

Lesson 4
Tactical Problem
Apply the skills learnt so far in this unit to a formal                                       volleyball game
Lesson focus: Perform all those skills necessary to compete in a successful volleyball game
Skill objective: Use of good form in forearm pass, overhead pass, serving and position, and recovering to the ready position
Introductory task/game
  1. Pancake game
  2. Pass Back and Forth with a Partner Using Forearm Pass and Overhead Pass 

Skill/Concept development tasks/games
  1. Rally the Ball in a Circle with 6 People
  2. Pass Back and Forth in 2 Lines

Culminating Game
  • between 3-6 touches per side
  • ball may touch ground once
  • no spiking
  • underhand serves only