Learning Outcomes

The students will improve their forearm and overhead passing skills through practice and understand the tactical component of getting three hits in a modified volleyball game by the end of three lessons.

Personal and Social Responsibilities learned should include:

The Students Will Be Able To ...

Lesson 1

1) Make correct decisions about where to physically position themselves before playing the ball based on the position of the target (where they want the ball to go).

2) Have confidence in their ability to execute a forearm pass and become comfortable using this skill.

3) Copy the correct technique demonstrated for the forearm pass.

4) Cooperate with a partner and work together to become successful at forearm passing.

Lesson 2

1) Explain the importance of acheiving three hits prior to sending the ball over the net.

2) Become motivated to attempt three hits instead of simply sending the ball over the net to acheive an easy point.

3) Refine skills learned in the previous lesson to aid them in attaining three hits.

4) Cooperate and communicate with their teammates to be successful at acheiving three hits.

Lesson 3

1) Use problem-solving skills to determine where to place the ball to score points.

2) Gain confidence when making decisions about where to place the ball.

3) Refine skills learned in the previous lesson in order to place passes more accurately.

4) Cooperate and communicate with their teammates.

Lesson 4

1) Decide which pass (forearm or overhead) is appropriate depending on the height of the ball.

2) Have confidence when using the overhead pass.

3) Select which skill to use depending on the situation.

4) Cooperate and communicate with their teammates.
