Field Hockey Unit Plan


Task & Progressions

Dribble in the Space:

In the designated area, move around the space getting a feel for the movement.

P1- In pairs, follow your partner around inside the designated areas.  The partner who is following has a ball and must control the ball while following their partner.  The ball cannot be taken by other teams or by the partner.  When the whistle blows, switch the partner in the front.

P2-Follow the Leader-After switching, repeat at faster pace to increase difficulty

Relay Race

Switch up pairs from last activity.  In pairs, set up cones in line with demo cones.  Running one at a time, in any order you choose, dribble up to cone, around it and back to your partner.  Repeat, alternating partners. Each partner will do every cone.

P1-Same as last drill only cones are now worth points.  Furthest cone is worth 50, closest is worth 15, second is worth 20 (or whatever numbers you choose).  In one minute, try to collect as many points as possible by running 360 degrees around the cone to get the points.  Ball must not be further than 2 feet away from the body at one time, otherwise it’s a restart.

P2-pairs weave in and out of the cones and then straight back to start.  Count how many times you touch the ball while dribbling through the cones.  Most touches in shortest time wins.

Obstacle Course

Switch up pairs again. In pairs, using 5 pieces of equipment set up an obstacle course in 2 minutes for your partner to dribble through

P1- rotate one partner to the right. The partner who remains at their course will explain it to the next student.

P2 – the partner who did not rotate the first time will now rotate, and the remaining partner will explain the new course to a new student.

Circle Game

Within a circle, dribble to maintain possession of the ball while one player tries to take your ball.


  1. 1.Must only move within the circle

  2. 2.Attacking player can not invade until whistle blows

3. If your ball is knocked out, you become an attacker.

Lesson 1: Introduction and Ball Handling

Manager Hockey (2006). Field Hockey Dribbling (Video clip).  Retrieved March 20, 2009 from


Keep your head up

Bend at the knees, not the hips

2 hand on the stick (show example)

Do not use the backside of the stick

Bend at the knees, not the hips

Do not use your feet to stop the ball

Slow it down to keep the ball in control

Relay Race                             P2

Objectives (SWBAT)

Cognitive: understand the rules of field hockey, and use them during mini-games in class

Associative: work with classmates to help each other understand the new skills and rules

Psychomotor: hold a field hockey stick appropriately and move a ball with some amount of control up and down a pitch.

On-the-Ball Skill: Dribbling

Basic Grip

Ball in front of body

Head up to see pitch

Maximize contact to enable quick passes

See clip for more details of different dribbling types

Off-the-Ball Skill: Grip

Basic Grip:

Left hand on top

“v”’s made with thumb and index finger point to the toe of the stick

Stick rotates through right hand (unmoving) and left hand does the rotating.

For more details on different grips, see the video

Manager Hockey (2006). Field Hockey grip (Video clip).  Retrieved March 20, 2009 from