"Circle & Games" Warm Up


  • Start by jogging in a defined circle (made up by lines or cones). Change movements: shuffle steps, grapevine, skip, backwards, one legged hops, two legged hops, jumps (tuck, pike, straddle), ect...


  • Instruct the class to divide up into pairs and find their own space on the mats or the gym floor. Find enough space so that they can move around without running into anybody, but so they can still see the instructor.
  • Warm up will work on quick movements that are fundamental to wrestling:
    • Balance: “Patty Cake”- Object of the game is to make your partner lose their balance. Each partner with line up facing each other on either side of a line. Feet planted on the floor. Hands up so that palms are facing your partner. By pushing against your partners hands try to get them to lose their balance.
    • Quick-hands: Object of the game is for the person with their hands on the bottom to slap the top of their partners hands. Have one partner place their hands palms up with their elbows bent. Have the second partner place their hand palms down on top of their partners. After one partner is successful three times switch. Also can be played with three people in a circle.
    • Knee touch: Object of the game is to try to TOUCH the inside of your partners knees while preventing your partner from touching your knees. Have partners stand facing each other with knees bent. Using the palm of their hand try to touch the inside of your partners knees. No slapping, only used controlled touches.

Note: One group of students will be assigned to take out the mats at the beginning of class and a second group will be assigned to put them away at the end of the class.

Click here for a copy of the warm up