Chem 590

Course coordinator
1. Structure-based inhibitor design
2. Magnetism
3. Mass spectrometry
4. EPR spectroscopy
5. Heteronuclear NMR
6. Metals in organic synthesis
7. X-ray crystallography
8. Practical computer programming for chemists

Structure-based inhibitor design

Instructor: Fraser Hof

Webpage for this module

Content: The lessons of this course will be derived from protein-drug interactions, but this module is intended to lay a practical foundation for anyone interested in the design of molecular structure and function in ANY context, even those not involving proteins or drugs.

Students will develop a basic understanding of the conformational effects and weak interactions that govern small molecule–protein binding using software that is readily available in our department. The use of the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) for structural and conformational surveys will be discussed in lecture, and the use of the free molecular modeling software MOLOC will be taught using a practical exercise.

Delivery: Fall 2007, exact timing to be determined in consultation
with enrolled students

Assessment: A brief written review of a recently published article selected in consultation with the instructor.


© JS McIndoe, Department of Chemistry, University of Victoria. Updated 15 August, 2007.