Financial assistance

Potential funding sources are available through the research grants and contracts of individual faculty. All SDH graduate students, however, are expected to take an active role in their personal funding and apply for external sources.

Potential funding sources for graduate students include the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).

A list of funding opportunities for Master's students is provided below:

Agency Scholarship Amount Tenure
SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship $17,500 1 year
SSHRC Foreign Study Supplement up to $6000 4 to 6 months
NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship $17,500 1 year
NSERC Foreign Study Supplement up to $6000 4 to 6 months
NSERC Post-graduate Scholarship $17,300 1 year
CIHR Canada Graduate Scholarship $17,500 1 year

Additional information for students on financing their studies is available from UVic's Student Awards and Financial Aid website.