Affiliated research centres

The SDH program centers on a unique training and research collaboration among the Faculties of Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Human and Social Development. This collaboration links research opportunities based in UVic research centres with the Faculties’ academic mandates, enabling students to work and study with faculty members who are both excellent teachers and actively engaged in cutting-edge research. Below is a list of research centres affiliated with the SDH program:

Centre for Aboriginal Health Research (CAHR)

The Centre for Aboriginal Health Research is a University of Victoria research centre dedicated to promoting and engaging in health research in partnership with Aboriginal peoples to improve their health. Through engaging with stakeholders in Aboriginal health in British Columbia, across Canada and internationally, CAHR seek to assume an active advocacy role in promoting relevant and ethical health research that seeks to improve Aboriginal peoples’ health.


Centre for Addictions Research BC (CARBC)

The Centre for Addictions Research of BC is a provincial research network involving a partnership of Simon Fraser University, Thompson Rivers University, the University of British Columbia, the University of Northern British Columbia and the University of Victoria. Its mission is to create an internationally recognized centre, distributed across BC, that is dedicated to research and knowledge exchange on substance use, harm reduction and addiction.


Centre for Studies in Religion and Society (CSRS)

The Centre for Studies in Religion and Society was established at the University of Victoria to foster the scholarly study of religion in relation to any and all aspects of society and culture, both contemporary and historical. Its primary aim is to promote dialogue between religion and other aspects of human experience, especially concerning questions of human values, knowledge and technology.


Centre for Youth & Society (CYS)

The Centre for Youth & Society is an interdisciplinary research centre with a goal of promoting the well-being of youth from diverse social, economic, and ethnic backgrounds, across developmental transitions, and in evolving societal circumstances. CYS links researchers from several academic areas with community representatives, service agencies, government, youth and media, and its partners have extensive experience in basic research, community action research, and direct service to youth.


Centre on Aging

The Centre on Aging at the University of Victoria is a multidisciplinary research centre with a mandate to promote and conduct basic and applied research throughout the lifespan. Research is conducted in partnership with seniors, their families, organizations, health care providers, and the government and includes needs assessments and social surveys, experimental research, program evaluations, development of clinical diagnostic tools, and social policy research.
