
Victoria, 1889This web site focuses on Victoria, Canada, during the reign of Queen Victoria. One of the jewels in Queen Victoria's imperial crown was the city named after her, on the southern tip of Vancouver Island, on the distant Pacific shore of North America. The city of Victoria was founded in the early years of her reign, and grew and transformed as the young Queen grew into her role and her Empire reached its peak; as her reign came to a close, so too did the city's period of ascendancy on the west coast of Canada.

Queen VictoriaThis website is a project of the History department at the University of Victoria in partnership with Malaspina University College History Department and several regional archives. It is largely the work of students at the university and university college, who have designed the site and produced a series of web pages.

The website was launched in April 2002 with the completion of the first offering of UVic's "History 481: Micro History and the Internet". Now it is augmented annually with the results of the research from this and related courses as well as contributions from members of the larger community. The detailed research on the site is accessible from the title bar by themes, people, places and decades.