Cornerstone Time Capsule Contents
- I.O.O.F.
- St. Andrew's Presbyterian
- St. Ann's
- Synagogue
- Y.M.C.A.
- Masonic Temple
- Protestant Orphan's Home
- St. Andrew's Cathedral
The Time Capsule of the IOOF Hall contained:- A written summary that was read at the cornerstone laying ceremony to document the names of high government officials in federal and provincial parliament, as well as the names of officers from the municipal and provincial I.O.O.F. lodges and the name of the architect and contractors for the new I.O.O.F. hall.
- Constitution and by-laws of the Grand Lodge of British Columbia
- Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of British Columbia from formation
- Daily British Colonist, 27th April, 1879
- Daily Standard, 28th April, 1879
- One American silver dollar, 1879
- One American silver 20-cent piece, 1875
- One Canadian half-dollar, 1872
- One Canadian quarter-dollar, 1874
- One Canadian 20-cent piece, 1858
- One Canadian 10-cent piece, 1858
- One Canadian 5-cent piece, 1865
- One English penny, 1797
- One English farthing, 1853
- The Seal of the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and the Odd Fellows’ Union
St. Andrew's Presbyterian
- A copy of each of the cities dailies
- A copy of each of the leading Presbyterian journals of the dominion
- Coins
St. Ann's
- A daily and weekly British Colonist
- A daily Standard newspaper
- Some coins of 1871
- Relics from Father Seghers and Mother Mary Providence
- The minutes of the ceremony on parchment
- List of subscribers to lot
- Constitution of Chebra Bikur Cholim Ukedusha
- List of members of Germania Sing Verein and French Benevolent Society
- The Constitution of the Congregation
- A copy of the British Colonist, 2 June 1863
- Copies of contemporary newspapers of the day
- Coins
- List of subscribers to the Synagogue and its officers and members
- A scroll commemorating the participation of the Masonic Community in the cornerstone laying event of the Synagogue
- By-laws of the Victoria Masonic Lodges
- Bible
- Copy of the constitution of the YMCA
- Copies of the local daily papers
- Brief written history of the YMCA
- List of officers and membership
- Program from the cornerstone laying ceremony
- Collection of the different coins currently in Canadian circulation
- List of those that secured funds for the location
Masonic Temple
- Scroll [that detailed a speech read by the Grand Secretary on the day of the laying of the cornerstone.]
- Copy of “Proceedings to organize and 1st Grand Communication of Grand Lodge of British Columbia with constitution proceedings of 6th annual communication (1877.)
- Copy of Canadian Craftsman.
- Copy of Daily British Colonist
- Copy of Daily Victoria Standard.
- Coins
- List of Grand Lodge officers for 1878.
Protestand Orphan's Home
- Historical statement of the foundation and progress of the institution engrossed on parchment
- History of the rise and progress of the Institution by the Right Rev. Bishop Cridge
- Annual report of the home with names of the officers, committees and subscribers to its funds
- Constitution of the Home
- Copy of the last will and testament of John George Taylor, deceased
- British Columbia Directory, 1893
- Newspapers of the Province, of the latest dates
- British Columbia, its present resources and future resources
- Constitution of the M. W. Grand Lodge A.F. and A. M. and list of Officers
- Programme of the days proceedings
- Coin of Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and United States
- Name of architect, assistants, superintendent, contractors, and list of workmen who have wrought on the building
St. Andrew's Cathedral