Bibliography - Literature & Photography

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This page was last modified on March 24, 2010




Eastlake, Elizabeth, ‘Photography’ 11857], in Photography: Essays and Images, ed. Beaumont Newhall (New York, 1980), pp. 81—96. French translation of this essay, with notes by François Brunet, Etudes Photographiques, XVI (January 2004), pp. 105—7.

Eco, Umberto, Enrico Baj, et al. Enrico Baj : The Garden of Delights. Milan: Fabbri Editori, 1991. WorldCat 2006.12.03.

Eder, Rita.  “El arte de Álvarez Bravo en los años treinta”. Luna Córnea. 1 (1992-1993): 7- 11

Edwards, Elizabeth, ed. Anthropology and Photography 1860-1920. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1992.

Edwards, Kathleen A., Acting Out Invented Melodrama in Contemporary Photography (Seattle, OR, 2005).

Edwards, Paul, ‘Roman 1900 et photographie (les editions Nillson/ Per Lamm et Offenstadt Frères)’, Romantisme, CV/3 (1999), pp. 133—44.

---. ‘The Photograph in Georges Rodenbach’s “Bruges-la-Morte” (1892)’, Journal of European Studies, XXX/117 (2000), pp. 71—89.

---. Soleil noir: Photographie et littérature des origines au surréalisme (Rennes, 2008).

Egginton, William. “The Corporeal Image and the New World Baroque”. South Atlantic Quarterly 106 (2007): 107-127. <>

Ehret, Theo y Cameron Jamie. “Desorden exquisito”. Luna Córnea. 27 (2004):

Eisenstein, Sergei. Mettre En Scène. Paris: Union générale d'Editions, 1973. WorldCat 2007.05.13.

Eiss, Paul K. Constructing the Maya: Ethnicity, State Formation, and Material Culture in Yucatán, Chiapas, and Guatemala. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2008.

El Gallo De Oro the Golden Cockerel. Dir. Barbachano Ponce, Manuel. Fuentes, Carlos. García Márquez, Gabriel, Roberto Gavaldón, and López Tarso, Ignacio. Villa, Lucha. Busquets, Narciso. Figueroa, Gabriel. Schoemann, Gloria. Fuentes,Ruben. Rulfo, Juan, et al. 1 videodisc (ca. 105 min.). Cinemateca - Condor Video; Distributed by Facets Video, 2003. WorldCat 2006.10.20.

El Imperio De La Fortuna.  Dir. Arturo Ripstein, Juan Rulfo, Paz Alicia Garciadiego, Lucía Alvarez, Angel Goded, Carlos Savage and Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (Mexico), et al. 1 videocassette (135 min.). CONACULTA; IMCINE; Alameda Films, 1985. WorldCat 2006.10.20.

El pabellón de Chile, huracanes y maravillas en una exposición universal. Santiago, Chile: La Maquina del Arte, 1992.

Elizondo, Pía. “Jungla de asfalto”. Luna Córnea. 20 (2000): 85-87.

Elizondo, Salvador. Autobiografía precoz. [1966] Mexico: Editorial Aldus, 2000.

---. Camera Lucida. [1983] México: Editorial Vuelta, 1992.

---. Cuaderno de escritura. Guanajuato: Universidad de Guanajuato, 1969.

---. El Grafógrafo. [1972] México: Editorial Vuelta, 1992.

---. Farabeuf o la crónica de un instante [1965]. México: Joaquín Mortiz,  1979.

---. Farabeuf. Trans. John Incledon. New York: Garland  Publishing, 1992.

---. Narrativa Completa. México, D.F.: Alfaguara, 1997.

---. Teoría del infierno y otros ensayos. México: El Colegio Nacional; Ediciones del Equilibrista, 1992.

Elkins, James. “[A Closer Look at Eastern European Modernism]: Response.” The Art Bulletin 84.3 (2002): 539. JSTOR 2006.11.11.

---. “A Thought Experiment, for a Book to be Called “Failure in Twentieth-Century Art”.” Journal of Aesthetic Education 32.4 (1998): 43-51. JSTOR 2006.11.11.

---. “Abstraction's Sense of History: Frank Stella's “Working Space” Revisited.” American Art 7.1 (1993): 28-39. JSTOR 2006.11.11.

---. “An Ambilogy of Painted Meanings.” Art Criticism 8.2 (1993): 26-36. ArticleFirst 2006.10.17.

---. “Art History and Images that are Not Art.” The Art Bulletin 77.4 (1995): 553. ArticleFirst 2006.10.17.

---. “Art History and the Criticism of Computer-Generated Images.” Leonardo 27.4 (1994): 335-42. JSTOR 2006.11.11.

---. “Art History and the Criticism of Computer-Generated Images.” Leonardo 27.4 (1994): 335. ArticleFirst 2006.10.17.

---. “Art History Without Theory.” Critical Inquiry 14.2 (1988): 354-78. JSTOR 2006.11.11.

---. “Art School Critiques as Seductions.” Journal of Aesthetic Education 26.1 (1992): 105-7. JSTOR 2006.11.11.

---. “Barbara Maria Stafford, Body Criticism, Imaging the Unseen in Enlightenment Art and Medicine.” The Art Bulletin LXXIV.3 (1992): 517. ArticleFirst 2006.10.17.

---. “Before Theory: Masking the Blow, the Scene of Representation in Late Prehistoric Egyptian Art by Whitney Davis.” Art History 16.4 (1993): 647-52. ArticleFirst 2006.10.17.

---. “Between Picture and Proposition: Torturing Paintings in Wittgenstein's Tractatus.” Visible Language 30.1 (1996): 72. ArticleFirst 2006.10.17.

---. “Book Reviews.” Art Bulletin 76.3 (1994): 546. Academic Search Elite 2006.11.11.

---. “Clarification, Destruction, and Negation of Pictorial Space in the Age of Neoclassicism, 1750-1840.” Zeitschrift fur Kunstgeschichte 53.4 (1990): 560-82. JSTOR 2006.11.11.

---. “Critical Response - I - Precision, Misprecision, Misprision.” Critical Inquiry 25.1 (1998): 169. ArticleFirst 2006.10.17.

---. “Critical Response.” Critical Inquiry 22.3 (1996): 590. Academic Search Elite 2006.11.11.

---. “Critical Response: What do We Want Photography to Be? A Response to Michael Fried.” Critical Inquiry 31.4 (2005): 938-56. Academic Search Elite 2006.11.11.

---. “Darkness Visible.” New York Times Book Review 152.52599 (2003): 18-. Academic Search Elite 2006.11.11.

---. “Did Leonardo Develop a Theory of Curvilinear Perspective?: Together with some Remarks on the 'Angle' and 'Distance' Axioms.” Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 51 (1988): 190-6. JSTOR 2006.11.11.

---. “El objeto nos regresa a la mirada”. Luna Córnea. 21-22 (2001): 24-33.

---. “From Original to Copy and Back again.” The British Journal of Aesthetics 33.2 (1993): 113-20. ArticleFirst 2006.10.17.

---. “Getting the Hang of It.” New York Times Book Review 154.53208 (2005): 22-. Academic Search Elite 2006.11.11.

---. “Hal Foster, Compulsive Beauty.” The Art Bulletin LXXVI.3 (1994): 546. ArticleFirst 2006.10.17.

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---. “IN BRIEF - Pictures and Tears - A History of People Who have Cried in Front of Paintings.” TLS, the Times Literary Supplement.5180 (2002): 32. ArticleFirst 2006.10.17.

---. “Logic and Images in Art History.” Perspectives on Science 7.2 (1999): 151-80. ProjectMuse 2006.10.17.

---. “Marks, Traces, Traits, Contours, Orli, and Splendores: Nonsemiotic Elements in Pictures.” Critical Inquiry 21.4 (1995): 822. ArticleFirst 2006.10.17.

---. “Master Narratives and Their Discontents.” (2005) WorldCat 2006.10.17

---. “Modern Art in Eastern Europe (Book Review).” Art Bulletin 82.4 (2000): 781. Academic Search Elite 2006.11.11.

---. “On Monstrously Ambiguous Paintings.” History and Theory 32.3 (1993): 227-47. ArticleFirst 2006.10.17.

---. “On the Arnolfini Portrait and the Lucca Madonna: Did Jan Van Eyck have a Perspectival System?” The Art Bulletin 73.1 (1991): 53-62. JSTOR 2006.11.11.

---. “On the Conceptual Analysis of Gardens.” Journal of Garden History 13.4 (1993): 189. ArticleFirst 2006.10.17.

---. “On the Impossibility of Close Reading: The Case of Alexander Marshack.” Current Anthropology 37.2 (1996): 185. ArticleFirst 2006.10.17.

---. “On Visual Desperation and the Bodies of Protozoa.” Representations 40 (1992): 33. ArticleFirst 2006.10.17.

---. “Parallel Art History/Studio Program.” Art Journal 54.3, Rethinking the Introductory Art History Survey (1995): 54-7. JSTOR 2006.11.11.

---. “Piero Della Francesca and the Renaissance Proof of Linear Perspective.” The Art Bulletin 69.2 (1987): 220-30. JSTOR 2006.11.11.

---. “Precision, Misprecision, Misprision.” Critical Inquiry 25.1 (1998): 169-80. JSTOR 2006.11.11.

---. “Preface to the Book A Skeptical Introduction to Visual Culture.” Journal of Visual Culture 1.1 (2002): 93-9. ArticleFirst 2006.10.17.

---. “Reading Pictures (Book).” Letters in Canada 72.1 (2002): 362. Academic Search Elite 2006.11.11.

---. “Real Spaces: World Art History and the Rise of Western Modernism (Book).” Art Bulletin 86.2 (2004): 373-81. Academic Search Elite 2006.11.11.

---. “Remember June 1944.” Contemporary Review 264.1541 (1994): 320. Academic Search Elite 2006.11.11.

---. “Renaissance Perspectives.” Journal of the History of Ideas 53.2 (1992): 209. Academic Search Elite 2006.11.11.

---. “Response to Tomas Garcia Salgado.” Leonardo 29.1 (1996): 82-3. JSTOR 2006.11.11.

---. “Responses to Mieke Bal's `Visual Essentialism and the Object of Visual Culture' (2003): Nine Modes of Interdisciplinarity for Visual Studies.” Journal of Visual Culture 2.2 (2003): 232-7. ArticleFirst 2006.10.17.

---. “Review of Picturing Science, Producing Art.” Isis 91.2 (2000): 318-9. JSTOR 2006.11.11.

---. “Review of Theory of Art Today.” Journal of Aesthetic Education 35.2 (2001): 119-21. JSTOR 2006.11.11.

---. “Reviews.” Art Bulletin 74.3 (1992): 517. Academic Search Elite 2006.11.11.

---. “Seeing Nothingness: An Eye Examination.” Chronicle of Higher Education 47.11 (2000): B17. Academic Search Elite 2006.11.11.

---. “SHORTER NOTICES - Harold Edgerton's Rapatronic Photographs of Atomic Tests.” History of Photography 28.1 (2004): 74. ArticleFirst 2006.10.17.

---. “Symposium: On David Carrier's Artwriting - A Thought Experiment, for a Book to be Called Failure in Twentieth-Century Art.” The Journal of Aesthetic Education 32.4 (1998): 27. ArticleFirst 2006.10.17.

---. “The Case Against Surface Geometry.” Art History 14.2 (1991): 143. Academic Search Elite 2006.11.11.

---. “The Ivory Tower of Tearlessness.” Chronicle of Higher Education 48.11 (2001): B7. Academic Search Elite 2006.11.11

---. “The Object Stares Back: On the Nature of Seeing.” Art Journal 56.2 (1997): 93. ArticleFirst 2006.10.17.

---. “The Snap of Rhetoric: A Catechism for Art History.” Sub-stance XXI.2 (1992): 3. ArticleFirst 2006.10.17.

---. “Theoretical Remarks on Combined Creative and Scholarly PhD Degrees in the Visual Arts.” Journal of Aesthetic Education 38.4 (2004): 22-31. ECO 2006.10.17.

---. “Theoretical Remarks on Combined Creative and Scholarly PhD Degrees in the Visual Arts.” The Journal of Aesthetic Education 38.4 (2004): 22-31. ProjectMuse 2006.10.17.

---. “Two Conceptions of the Human Form: Bernard Siegfried Albinus and Andreas Vesalius.” Artibus et Historiae 7.14 (1986): 91-106. JSTOR 2006.11.11.

---. “Two Forms of Judgement: Forgiving and Demanding.” Journal of Visual Art Practice 3.1 (2004): 37-46. ArticleFirst 2006.10.17.

---. “Two Forms of Judgement:Forgiving and Demanding (the Case of Marine Painting).” Journal of Visual Art Practice 3.1 (2004): 37-46. Academic Search Elite 2006.11.11.

---. “Visual Culture: First Draft.” Art Journal 62.3 (2003): 104-7. Academic Search Elite 2006.11.11.

---. “What Are We Seeing, Exactly?” Art Bulletin 79.2 (1997): 191. Academic Search Elite 2006.11.11.

---. “What Do We Want Pictures to Be? Reply to Mieke Bal.” Critical Inquiry 22.3 (1996): 590. ArticleFirst 2006.10.17.

---. “What Does Peirce's Sign Theory have to Say to Art History?” Culture, Theory & Critique 44.1 (2003): 5-22. ArticleFirst 2006.10.17.

---. “Why Are Our Pictures Puzzles? Some Thoughts on Writing Excessively.” New Literary History 27.2 (1996): 271-90. ProjectMuse 2006.10.17.

---. How to Use Your Eyes. New York: Routledge, 2000. GoogleScholar 2006.11.11.

---. On the Strange Place of Religion In Contemporary Art. New York; London: Routledge, 2004. GoogleScholar 2004.

---. Our Beautiful, Dry and Distant Texts. Pennsylvania:  Pennsylvania State University, 1997. GoogleScholar 2006.11.11.

---. Pictures & Tears : A History of People Who have Cried in Front of Paintings. New York ; London: Routledge, 2001. UVic Main Catalogue 2006.11.11.

---. Pictures of the Body : Pain and Metamorphosis. Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press, 1999. UVic Main Catalogue 2006.11.11.

---. Stories of Art. Great Britain: Routledge, 2002. GoogleScholar 2006.11.11.

---. Stories of Art. New York: Routledge, 2002. UVic Main Catalogue 2006.11.11.

---. The Domain of Images. Ithaca: Cornell, 1999. GoogleScholar 2006.11.11.

---. The Poetics of Perspective. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1994. UVic Main Catalogue 2006.11.11.

---. Visual Studies : A Skeptical Introduction. New York ; London: Routledge, 2003. UVic Main Catalogue 2006.11.11.

---. What Painting Is : How to Think about Oil Painting, Using the Language of Alchemy. New York: Routledge, 1999. UVic Main Catalogue 2006.11.11.

---. What Painting Is. New York: Routledge, 2000. GoogleScholar 2006.11.11.

---. Why Art Cannot Be Taught: A Handbook for Art Students. Urbana, IL: University Press, 2001: 32-34. GoogleScholar 2006.11.11.

Elkins, James, ed., Photography Theory (New York, 2007).

Elkins, James, and Jeremy Biles. “Book Reviews - On the Strange Place of Religion in Contemporary Art.” The Journal of Religion 86.2 (2006): 358. ArticleFirst 2006.10.17.

Elkins, James, and Katerina Duskova. “Book Reviews - what Painting is; the Object Stares Back: On the Nature of Seeing; our Beautiful, Dry, and Distant Texts: Art History as Writing; on Pictures and the Words that Fail them; how to use Your Eyes.” The Art Bulletin 84.1 (2002): 186. ArticleFirst 2006.10.17.

Elkins, James, and Michael C. Barris. “The Object Stares Back: On the Nature of Seeing.” Optometry and Vision Science: Official Publication of the American Academy of Optometry 75.1 (1998): 7. ArticleFirst 2006.10.17.

Elkins, James, and Richard Woodfield. “JAAC CHANGE OF ADDRESS - 2001 JOHN FISHER MEMORIAL PRIZE - BOOK REVIEWS - on Pictures and the Words that Fail them.” The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 57.4 (1999): 471. ArticleFirst 2006.10.17.

Elkins, James, Bruno Latour, and Peter Weibel. “Reviews - Iconoclash: Beyond the Image Wars in Science, Religion, and Art.” Art Journal 62.3 (2003): 104. ArticleFirst 2006.10.17.

Elsey, Brenda. “Tapestries of Hope, Threads of Love: The Arpillera Movement in Chile”. Hispanic American Historical Review 88 (2008): 725-726. <>

Eltit, Diamela, and Paz Errazuriz. El infarto del alma. Santiago, Chile: Francisco Zegerss, 1994.

---. Lumpérica. Santiago, Chile: Seix Barral, 1998.

Éluard, Paul. “Man Ray”. Luna Córnea. 4 (1994): 49.

Emerson, Gloria. “Susan Meiselas at War.” Esquire 102.6 (1984): 165-74.

Enzensberger, Hans Magnus. “El hundimiento del Titanic”. Luna Córnea. 14 (ene-abr 1998): 72-73.

Errazuriz, Paz, and Claudia Donoso. La manzana de Adán/Adam's Apple. Santiago, Chile: Zona Editorial, 1990.

Errazuriz, Paz, and Diamela Eltit. El infarto del alma. Santiago, Chile: Francisco Zegers Editor, 1994.

Espinosa, Gastón y Mario T. García. Mexican American Religions: Spirituality, Activism, and Culture. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2008.

Espinosa, Ricardo y Jorge Aguinaco. “El silencio de las especies”. Luna Córnea. 20 (2000): 140-147.

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Eyssartel, Anne-Marie, Bernard Rochette, and Jean Baudrillard. Des Mondes Inventés : Les Parcs à Thème. Paris: Editions de la Villette, 1992. WorldCat 2006.12.03.

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