This page was last modified on March 24, 2010
Nadolny, Susanne. Elsa Triolet : Il n'y a Pas d'Amour Heureux : Eine Biografische Und Literarische Collage. Dortmund: Edition Ebersbach, 2000. WorldCat 2007.01.24.
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Neleman, Hans, Ana Castillo, Laura Asturias, A.D. Coleman and George Pitts. Night Chicas. New York: Graphis, 2002. WorldCat 2007.05.13.
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Nericcio, William Anthony. “Autopsy of a Rat: Odd, Sundry Parables of Freddy Lopez, Speedy Gonzales, and Other Chicano/Latino Marionettes Prancing About Our First World Visual Emporiuim”. Camera Obscura 13 (1996): 187-237. <>
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Nitke, Barbara and A.D. Coleman. Kiss of Fire : A Romantic View of Sadomasochism. Heidelberg: Kehrer, 2003. WorldCat 2007.05.13.
No Oyes Ladrar Los Perros? Dir. Sánchez, Salvador, Ahui Camacho, Ana de Sade, François Reichenbach, et al. 1 videocassette. Estrella Videos, 1987. WorldCat 2006.10.20.
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Nuit Et Brouillard & Le Retour. Dir. Cartier-Bresson, Henri, Alain Resnais, and Henri Michel, et al. 1 videocassette (67 min.). Tamarelle's French Film House, 1980-1983. WorldCat 2007.01.24.