2014 Co-organising (with Donna Wood) a Uvic CANADA-EU WORKSHOP SERIES "Opening Up Canadian Federalism the European Way".

With the assistance of the University of Victoria (UVic), the European Union Centre of Excellence (EUCE), the Department of Political Science, and the Canada-Europe Transatlantic Dialogue (CETD) these workshops bring together academic researchers, social policy practitioners from government and NGOs, experts, and the interested public to six workshops held across Canada to disseminate and discuss the findings of a three year research project comparing Canadian and European Union (EU) approaches to governing social policy.

Workshops are held in Vancouver April 14, 2014, Edmonton April 16, 2014, Montreal May 9, 2014, Toronto May 12, 2014, Ottawa May 13, 2014 and Halifax May 16, 2014. The workshops bring together researchers and experts who have studied social policy in both Canada and the EU with Canadian policy practitioners to have a practical conversation about the challenges of managing multilevel governance.  More information: here http://eucaworkshops.com/.

2013 Co-organised dissemination event at the Canadian Political Science Association (CPSA) for our special issue of Canadian Public Administration, to be held during the CPSA conference 4-6 June.

Co-organised (with Assem Dandashly) a panel “Domestic and European Responses to the Euro Crisis: Lessons For Governance” at the 20th International Conference of Europeanists, June Amsterdam.

Co-organised (with Michelle Cini) JCMS Annual lecture of Andrew Moravcsik, of Princeton University, to be delivered at the European Union Studies Association (EUSA) in March 2013.

Co-organised (with Assem Dandashly) a panel to be held at the ECSA-C on “Central and East European Countries and the Euro Crisis: Effects, Reactions and Lessons”, to be held in May 2014 in Montreal.
2012 Co-convenor and session chair of the DEUBAL Meeting in Brussels, 5 June.

Co-organiser of JCMS Sponsored Lecture by Michelle Pace ‘EU Democracy Support in the Newly Emerging Middle East and North Africa’, followed by a reception and a dinner with speaker, held at the 6th Pan-European ECPR SGEU Conference on EU Politics, University of Tampere Finland, 13-15 September.

Organiser of 'Summer Workshop: Challenges Facing the EU Today', held at UVic on 10 August 2012.

Co-organised (and co-chaired with Michelle Cini) a panel ‘Fifty Years of JCMS: Charting the evolution of research on European integration’ with as speakers: Iain Begg, Simon Bulmer, Uwe Kitzinger, William Paterson, John Peterson, Drew Scott, Dan Wincott, held at the 42nd annual UACES conference, Passau Germany, 3-5 September.

2011 'Convenor and Chair of a Panel: Lunchtime Roundtable – Getting Published: a conversation with Journal Editors’ Twelfth Biennial International EUSA Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, March 3-5.

Co-organiser of JCMS Sponsored Lecture by Gary Marks ‘Europe and its Empires from Rome to the European Union’, followed by a reception and a dinner with speaker, held at the Twelfth Biennial International EUSA Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, March 3-5.

Co-organiser of conference ‘Comparing Modes of Governance in Canada and the European Union: Social Policy Engagement across Complex Multilevel Systems, held at UVic, 14-15 October 2011.

2010 Democracy and Participation Symposium: What can Canada and the European Union learn from each other? Canada – Europe Transatlantic Dialogue, University of Victoria, April 28-29, 2010
(organised by Amy Verdun and her team)
WEBLINK: http://web.uvic.ca/jmc/sym_about.php

2009 "South East and Eastern European Countries EU Accession Quandary" International Workshop, Friday 16 and Saturday 17 January 2009 UVic.

2007 Co-organiser of a conference ‘Agricultural Policy Changes: Canada, EU and the World Trade Organisation’ an international conference held at UVic, 13-15 September 2007 (co-organised with G. Cornelis van Kooten).

2006 Main Organiser of five panels of the IPSA Congress to be held in Japan 9-14 July 2006, Panels of the IPSA- RC 3 on European Unification. Major funding provided by the European Commission, IPSA RC-3, participants and UVic.

  Co-organiser of a conference ‘Governance, policy-making and system-building of the European Union’. International Conference held at the University of Victoria, B.C. Canada, 2-4 March 2006 (with Ingeborg Toemmel). Funding provided by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, and the British Council.


'The Political and Economic Consequences of European Monetary Integration', held at the University of Victoria, 18-19 August 2005. Funding was provided by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, the British Consulate, the Italian Cultural Institute, and UVic.

  "The European Union and the World: Asia, Enlargement and Constitutional Change" Conference of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) Research Committee 3 (RC-3) on European Unification (IPSA RC-3) Beijing, 5-6 May 2005, hosted by Dr Zhou Hong, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and supported by Dr Dai Bingran Vice Chairman, Chinese Association for European Studies.

2004 Principal organiser of the Conference - A Transatlantic Divide: Canada, the European Union, NATO and the New Bush Doctrine’, European Studies Program, EU Initiative, the University of Victoria, 11-13 June 2004. This conference was the largest conference of the EU Initiative for the year 2003-2004. Funding was provided by the European Commission, Foreign Affairs Canada, SSHRC, NATO, CSFP Division – Irish Department of Foreign Affairs, Dutch General Consulate Vancouver, Italian Cultural Institute Vancouver, and UVic (Office for International Affairs, Department of Political Science, and UVic’s ESP).

2003-04 Member of the Organising Committee of the Second Pan European Conference on European Union Politics, (co-chair of the approximately 15 panels on political economy). Conference to be held in Bologna, 26-28 June 2004; sponsored by the ECPR standing group on European Union and the IPSA RC-3.

2003 Organised European Community Studies Association (ECSA)-Canada conference on 'Canadian Perspectives on Contemporary Issues of European Integration', UVic, 7-8 November.

  Organised International Conference '‘Britain and Canada and their Large Neighbouring Monetary Unions', UVic 17-18 October.

  Co-organised the 1st EUI Alumni Conference: Governing EMU: Political, Economic, Legal and Historical Perspectives, (at the European University Institute, Florence, Italy, 3-4 October).

  Organised a one-day meeting of the EUI Alumni association steering group. Public Lecture by Francisco Torres at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne, Germany, 3 February.

2002-03 Organiser of three panels of (and applicant for funding for) the International Political Science Association (IPSA) Research Committee 3 (European Unification) for the IPSA Congress, held in Durban, South Africa, 29 June–4 July 2003.

  Member of the Program Committee for the eighth biennial EUSA conference in Nashville, March 27-29, 2003.

2001-02 Main organiser of the Graduate Student Conference to be held at UVic, 17-19 October 2002 (with pre-conference activities on 16 October).

  Member of the Organising Committee of the First Pan European Conference on European Union Politics, sponsored by the ECPR standing group on European Union and the IPSA RC-3, held in Bordeaux, 26-28 September 2002.

  Member of the Organising Committee of the European Community Studies Association – Canada biennial conference: Bigger and Better? The European Union, Enlargement and Reform, to be held in Toronto, 30 May –1 June 2002.

2000 Co-organiser of a workshop for the Transatlantic Student Exchange Agreement, Brussels, 3-4 July.

1999 Organised conference ‘Conceptualising the New Europe: Economic and Monetary Integration and Beyond’, UVic, 15-16 October.