
2013 Mapping European Economic Integration, Amy Verdun and Alfred Tovias (eds). Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan, 11 chapters (mid Nov.), ISBN 978-0-230-35615-3; 277 pp.

2010 Ruling Europe: The Politics of the Stability and Growth Pact, with Martin Heipertz, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; ISBN-13: 9780521197502, published 12 March 2010. (Review of Ruling Europe)

  EMU and Political Science: What Have We Learned?, Henrik Enderlein and Amy Verdun (eds). London/New York: Routledge, February 2010, ISBN: 978-0-415-57482-2, 176 pages.

The Common Agricultural Policy: Policy Dynamics in a Changing Context, Grace Skogstad and Amy Verdun (eds). London: Routledge 2010 (reprint of the special issue of Journal of European Integration; ISBN 978-0-415-55356-8, 176 pages.

2009 Innovative Governance in the European Union: The Politics of Multilevel Policy-Making in the European Union, Ingeborg Tömmel and Amy Verdun (eds), Boulder: Lynne Rienner publishing, ISBN 978-1-58826-639-2 (HB); ISBN 978-1-58826-614-9 (PB), 370 pages.

  Globalization, Development and Integration: A European Perspective, Pompeo Della Posta, Milica Uvalic and Amy Verdun (eds), Houndmills: Palgrave-Macmillan, (came out on 28 November 2008) ISBN 978-0-230-55401-6, 368 pages.

2008 The European Union and Asia: What Is There to Learn?, Amy Verdun (ed.), New York: Nova Publishers ISBN-10: 1604565365; ISBN-13: 978-1604565362. (Reprint. Previously published as Special Issue of Current Politics and Economics of Asia, Vol 17 No 1, pp. 1-265).

2007 The Political and Economic Consequences of European Monetary Integration: Taking Stock of the First Eight Years, Amy Verdun (ed.) New York: Nova Publishing, ISBN: 1-60021-908-x (reprint: originally published as a Special Issue of Current Politics and Economics of Europe, Vol 18 No 2, pp. 121-333).

2006 EMU Rules: The Political and Economic Consequences of European Monetary Integration, Francisco Torres, Amy Verdun and Hubert Zimmermann (eds), Baden-Baden: Nomos, International Political Economy series, ISBN 3832919740), 325p. (Publisher's Link)

  The Transatlantic Divide: Foreign and Security Policies in the Atlantic Alliance from Kosovo to Iraq, Osvaldo Croci and Amy Verdun (eds), (Europe in Change series), Manchester: Manchester University Press; ISBN 0 7190 6506 2, 231 p.

  Britain and Canada and their Large Neighboring Monetary Unions, Amy Verdun (ed.) New York: Nova publishing, published May, ISBN 1600210716 2006, 284 p.

2005 European Union in the Wake of Eastern Enlargement: Institutional and Policy-making Challenges, Amy Verdun and Osvaldo Croci (eds), Manchester: Manchester University Press; 242 p +index. Paperback 2006.

  The Political Economy of European Integration: Theories and Analysis, Erik Jones and Amy Verdun (eds) London/New York: Routledge. Student textbook, (published simultaneously in paperback and hardcover), 224 p.

2004 Governing EMU in a New Institutional Framework (Francisco Torres, Amy Verdun, Chiara Zilioli, and Hubert Zimmermann (eds), Florence Italy: European University Institute (September), 432 p. A revised version published in 2006 by NOMOS under the title EMU Rules.

2002 The Euro: European Integration Theory and Economic and Monetary Union, Amy Verdun (ed.), Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield (published simultaneously in paperback and hardcover), 282 p.

2000 Strange Power: Shaping the Parameters of International Relations and International Political Economy, Thomas C. Lawton, James N. Rosenau and Amy C. Verdun (eds), Aldershot/Burlington USA/Singapore/Sydney: Ashgate, 453 p.

  European Responses to Globalization and Financial Market Integration. Perceptions of EMU in Britain, France and Germany, International Political Economy Series, Basingstoke: Macmillan/ New York: St. Martin’s Press, ISBN 0-333-71708-2, 260 p.(paperback 2002; e-book 2008). E-Book Version
Edited Special Issues of Journals
2013 Guest Editor of a Special issue of the journal Canadian Public Administration on 'Governing the Social Dimension in Canadian Federalism and European Integration', Volume 56, issue 2 (June) co-edited with Donna Wood, pp. 171–366 (11 articles + journal editors preface).

Guest Editor of a Special Issue of the journal West European Politics on ‘Decision-Making in the EU before and after the Lisbon Treaty' co-editors: Madeleine Hosli, Amie Kreppel, Bela Plechanavová, and Amy Verdun, Vol 36, No 6, (November), pp. 1121-1308 (with pages).
2009 Guest editor (with Henrik Enderlein) of a Special issue of Journal of European Public Policy, ‘EMU after 10 years: What have we learned in Political Science?’ Vol 16 No 3 (special issue) (May).

Guest editor (with Grace Skogstad) of a Special issue of Journal of European Integration ‘The Common Agricultural Policy: Policy Dynamics in a Changing Context’, Vol 31, No 3, (June).

2008 Guest editor of a Special issue of Current Politics and Economics of Asia, ‘Lessons for Asia: The European Union in Comparative Perspective’, in Vol 17 No 1 New York: Nova Publishers, pp. 1-265.

2007 Guest editor (with Erik Jones and Tal Sadeh) of a Special Issue of the Review of International Political Economy on ‘Europe’s Expanding Currency: Fiscal Stability and Democratic Legitimacy’ Vol 14 No 5, pp. 739-900.

Guest editor of a Special Issue of Current Politics and Economics of Europe, on ‘The Political and Economic Consequences of European Monetary Integration’, (Vol 18 No 2, pp. 121-333).

2006 Guest editor of two Special Issues of Current Politics and Economics of Europe, on ‘Britain and Canada and their Large Neighbouring Monetary Unions’, Vol 17 No 1 and No 2, pp 1-350.

2003 Guest editor (with Erik Jones), of a part Special Issue of Journal of European Public Policy Political Economy and the Study of European Integration’, Vol. 10 No 1, February, pp. 81-158.

2001 Guest editor (with Stelios Stavridis), of a Special Issue of the Journal Current Politics and Economics of Europe, on ‘Democracy in the Three Pillars of the EU’ Vol. 10, No 3, pp. 213-349.

Articles Published In Refereed Journals

Small States and the Global Economic Crisis: An Assessment' European Political Science, Vol 12, No 1, advance online publication, 26 October 2012; doi:10.1057/eps.2012.34 (pp. 276–293), print  publication in 2013.

'Innovative Governance in EU Regional and Monetary Policy-Making' with Ingeborg Tömmel German Law Journal, Vol 14, No 2, pp. 380-404

'The building of economic governance in the European Union', Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research Vol 19, No 1 23-35.

'Banks and the False Dichotomy in the Comparative Political Economy of Finance' with Iain Hardie, David Howarth, and Sylvia Maxfield (each 25%) World Politics, Vol 65, no. 4 (October), 691–728.

Special issue of the journal Canadian Public Administration on 'Governing the Social Dimension in Canadian Federalism and European Integration', Volume 56, issue 2 (June) co-edited with Donna Wood, pp. 171–366 (11 articles + journal editors preface).

'Introduction: Decision-Making in the European Union before and after the Lisbon Treaty', with Madeleine Hosli, Amie Kreppel, Bela Plechanavová, and Amy Verdun, in West European Politics Vol 36, No 6, (November), pp. 1121-1127.

'Decision-Making before and after the Lisbon: The Impact of Changes in Decision-Making Rules, in West European Politics Vol 36, No 6, (November), pp. 1128-1142.


'Experimentalist governance in the European Union: A commentary', Regulation and Governance, Vol 6, No 4., pp. 385-393.

'Introduction to the Symposium: Economic and Monetary Union and the Crisis of the Eurozone' JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol 50, No 6. pp. 863–865 DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-5965.2012.02292.x


'Introduction: South East and Eastern European Accession Quandary?', (co-authored with Gabriela Chira and Chiara Ruffa) Comparative European Politics, Vol 9, No 4/5, September/December, pp. 367-371.

'The Eastern Partnership: The Burial Ground of Enlargement Hopes?' (co-authored with Gabriela Chira) Comparative European Politics, Vol 9, No 4/5, September/December, pp. 448-466.

Guest editor (with Chiara Ruffa) of a two volume special issue of Comparative European Politics entitled 'South East and Eastern European Accession Quandary?', Vol 9, No 4/5, September/December, pp. 367-595.

'Canada and the European Union: A Review of the Literature from 1982 to 2010' (co-authored with Donna Wood with her as first author). International Journal, Vol 66, no 1, pp. 9-21.

'Ten years EMU: an assessment of ten critical claims', International Journal of Economics and Business Research, Vol 2, Nos. 1/2, pp. 144-63.


'Economic Developments in the Euro Area', Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol 47 Annual Review (September), pp. 251-75.

'Explaining Europe’s Monetary Union: A Survey of the Literature', co-authored with Tal Sadeh, International Studies Review, Vol 11 No 2 (June), pp. 277-301.

  The Common Agricultural Policy: Continuity and Change’ with Grace Skogstad, in Journal of European Integration, Vol 31, No 3 (May), pp. 265- 69.

2008 'From Neighbourhood to Membership: Moldova’s Persuasion Strategy Towards the EU', co-authored with Gabriela Chira, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, Vol 8 No 4 (December) pp. 431-444.

  'Legislative Bargaining in the European Union: The Divide between Large and Small Member States', co-authored with Paul Schure, European Union Politics, Vol 9 No 4, (December) pp 459-486.

  'Economic developments in the Euro Area', Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol 46 Annual review (September), pp 215-232.

Policy-making and Integration in the European Union: Do Economic Interests Groups Matter?'British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Vol 10, no. 1 (February), pp. 129-137.

'The European Union and Asia: What is there to learn?' in Current Politics and Economics of Asia, Vol 17 No 1, pp. 1-10.
2007 'Legitimacy and Efficiency: Revitalizing EMU ahead of Enlargement', co-authored with Tal Sadeh and Erik Jones in Review of International Political Economy Vol 14 No 5, pp. 839-845.

'Reforming Europe’s Stability and Growth Pact: Lessons from the American Experience in Macrobudgeting', co-authored with James Savage, in Review of International Political Economy Vol 14 No 5, (December), pp. 842-867.

  'States and the Exercise of Power in the New European Union', co-authored with Paul Schure, Current Politics and Economics of Europe Vol 18 No 2, pp. 181-202.

'Political and Economic Consequences of Economic and Monetary Union: Taking Stock of the first Eight Years', Current Politics and Economics of Europe Vol 18 or No 2, pp. 121-123.

'Economic Developments in the Euro Area' Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol 45 Annual review (September), Issue S1, pp 213-230.

2006 'Economic developments in the Euro Area' Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol 44 Annual review (September), pp 199-212.

'"God Save the Queen": Britain and Canada and their Large Neighbouring Monetary Unions', Current Politics and Economics of Europe Vol 17 No 1, pp. 1-18,  co-authored with Melissa Padfield, and Patricia Young as second authors.

Preface to Part two of the Special Issues of Current Politics and Economics of Europe, on 'Britain and Canada and their Large Neighbouring Monetary Unions', Vol 17 No 2, pp. iii – v.

2005 ‘The Stability and Growth Pact – Theorizing a Case in European Integration’, co-authored with Martin Heipertz, Journal of Common Market Studies Vol 43, No. 5, (December) 963-84.

'The Role of Medium-sized Countries in the Creation of EMU: The Cases of Belgium and the Netherlands' (with Ivo Maes) Journal of Common Market Studies, vol 43, no 2, (June), pp. 327-48.

2004 'The Dog that Would Never Bite? On the Origins of the Stability and Growth Pact', co-authored with Martin Heipertz, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol 11, No. 5, pp. 765-80.

2003 'An American/European Divide in European Integration Studies – Bridging the Gap with International Political Economy', Journal of European Public Policy, Vol 10 No 1, pp. 84-101.

  'Introduction: Political Economy and European Integration', coauthored with Erik Jones, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol 10 No 1, pp. 81-83.

'La nécessité d’un 'gouvernement économique' dans une UEM asymétrique. Les préoccupations françaises sont-elles justifiées?', Politique Européenne,  No 10, spring, pp. 11-32.

2001 'Introduction: Democracy in the European Union', coauthored with Stelios Stavridis as second author, Current Politics and Economics of Europe, Vol 10, No 3, pp. 213-26.

'The Legitimacy of the Euro: An Inverted Process?', co-authored with Thomas Christiansen as second author, Current Politics and Economics of Europe, Vol 10, No 3, pp. 265-88.

1999 'The Role of the Delors Committee in Creating EMU: An Epistemic Community?' Journal of European Public Policy’, Vol 6, No 2, pp. 308-28.

1998 'The Institutional Design of EMU: A Democratic Deficit?', Journal of Public Policy, Vol 18, no 2, pp. 107-32.


An 'Asymmetrical' Economic and Monetary Union in the EU: Perceptions of monetary authorities and social partners', Journal of European Integration, Vol 20, No 1, Autumn, pp. 59-81.

'Op weg naar een Economische en Monetaire Unie in Europa: waarom eigenlijk? Percepties van EMU in het Verenigd Koninkrijk, Frankrijk, en Duitsland' (Why Head Towards Economic and Monetary Union in Europe? Perceptions of EMU in the United Kingdom, France and Germany), Acta Politica (The Netherlands Journal of Political Science) Vol 31, No 3, July, pp. 283-314.

Review Articles in Refereed Journals
2000 'Symposium: The Road to Maastricht: Negotiating Economic and Monetary Union. How did EMU really happen? Who did it? What can we learn from EMU?' Journal of European Public Policy, 7(5): 823-9 (review article).


'Understanding Economic and Monetary Union in the EU', Journal of European Public Policy, Vol 5, No 3, pp. 527-33 (review article).

Invited Articles in Journals
2008 'Reaching Out to the East: The EU and Its Eastern Neighbours', European Council Journal, Fall.

2007 Guest editor and author of an issue of the Canadian journal Behind the Headlines on 'The European Union Fifty Years after the Treaties of Rome', Vol 64, No. 2, 30 p.

'Introduction' Behind the Headlines Vol 64, No. 2, pp. 1-3.

  'The EU at Fifty – Many Happy Returns?’ Behind the Headlines Vol 64, No. 2, pp. 23-27.

  What is Science in European Union Studies? EUSA Review, EUSA Review Forum Vol 20, No 2, Spring, (editor of four essays, and contributor of a first introductory piece, p.1), pp. 1-11.

2006 Taking Stock of the Lisbon Agenda: Is Lisbon Flawed, Necessary, Window-Dressing, or All of the Above? EUSA Review, EUSA Review Forum Vol 19, No. 4, Fall, (editor of five essays, and contributor of a first introductory piece, p.1).

‘European Migration and Asylum Policies: What’s the Scoop?’, EUSA Review, EUSA Review Forum Vol 19, No. 3, Summer (editor of five essays, and contributor of a first introductory piece, p. 1.

2005 ‘The Rise and Rise of the Stability and Growth Pact’, EUSA Review Forum, EUSA Review, Vol 18, No. 1, Winter, pp. 1-3.

2003 ‘The State of European Integration Studies – A Perspective from Political Economy’ (with Erik Jones), EUSA Review, Vol 16, No 2, Spring, 2 pages.

1998 ‘Creating EMU: Issues of Legitimacy, Accountability and Democracy?’ CEPS Review, No 7 Autumn/Winter, November, pp. 21-30.

2013 'Strengthening the Governance of the Euro Area: Political and Institutional Aspects - An Academic Perspective', in European Commission (ed.) European Economic Governance in an International Context, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, ISBN 978-92-79-25434-5, pp. 100-107.

'Het Stabiliteitspact als Eeuwige Belofte' in Jan Rood and Adriaan Schout (eds) Nederland als Europese lidstaat: eindelijk normaal?, Den Haag: Boom-Lemma, pp. 199-212.

'The Stability Pact: an eternal promise'; in A. Schout, and J. Rood (eds) The Netherlands as an EU member: Awkward or Loyal Partner? Eleven International Publishing. (English translation of ‘Het Stabiliteitspact als Eeuwige Belofte’, ISBN 978-94-9094-799-6 (print) or 978-94-6094-696-7 (E-book), pp. 201-212.

'Introduction'by Amy Verdun and Alfred Tovias in Verdun and Tovias (eds) Mapping European Economic Integration, Houndmills: Palgrave, pp. 1-17

'Introduction: Towards a Political Economy of Banking' by Iain Hardie, David Howarth, Sylvia Maxfield and Amy Verdun, in Iain Hardie and David Howarth (eds) Market-Based Banking and the International Financial Crisis, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 1-21.

'The European Currency In Turbulent Times – Austerity Policy Made In Brussels As The Only Way Out?' in Dagmar Schiek (ed.) The EU Social and Economic Model After the Global Crisis: Interdisciplinary Perspectives ISBN Number 978-1-4094-5731-2, Farnham: Ashgate pp. 45-69.

2012 'Economic and Monetary Union' chapter 22 of a student textbook European Union Politics (4th edition) edited by Michelle Cini and Nieves Pérez-Solórzano Borragán, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 324-339.

'The Euro Has a Future’ in Hubert Zimmermann and Andreas Dür (eds) Key Controversies in European Integration, Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 113-120.

'Civil Society Involvement in the Eastern Partnership’, in the European Commission (Directorate-General for Education and Culture), The Eastern Partnership and the Europe 2020 Strategy: Visions of leading policymakers and academics. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, ISBN 978-92-79-20896-6, pp. 103-109.
2011 'The Role of the BENELUX in the European Integration Process' in T.J. Pempel, Jehoon Park and Kim, Heungchong (eds) Regionalism, Economic Integration and Security in Asia: A Political conomy Approach, London: Edward Elgar, pp.92-101.

'Twenty Years Jean Monnet Project in Canada' published in the proceedings of the JEAN MONNET CONFERENCE 20 Years of Support for European Integration Studies: From the Jean Monnet Action to the Jean Monnet Programme, Brussels, pp. 115-124.

'Euro Area Stability in a Time of Crisis' Chapter prepared for Kurt Hübner (ed.) 'Europe, Canada and the Comprehensive Economic Partnership', London: Routledge, pp. 274-288.

'The EU and the Global Political Economy' in Christopher Hill and Michael Smith (eds) International Relations and the European Union, 2nd edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press (chapter 11), 246-274.
2010 'Economic and Monetary Union' chapter 20 of a student textbook European Union Politics (3rd edition) edited by Michelle Cini and Nieves Pérez-Solórzano Borragán, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 324-339.

2009 'Innovative Governance in the European Union', with Ingeborg Tömmel, in Ingeborg Tömmel and Amy Verdun (eds), Innovative Governance in the European Union: The Politics of Multilevel Policy-Making, (Boulder: Lynne Rienner publishing), Chapter 1, pp. 1-8.

'Innovative Governance in the European Union: What Makes It Different' with Ingeborg Tömmel, in Ingeborg Tömmel and Amy Verdun (eds), Innovative Governance in the European Union: The Politics of Multilevel Policy-Making, (Boulder: Lynne Rienner publishing), Chapter 18, pp. 291-302.

'Regulation and Cooperation in Economic and Monetary Policy' in Ingeborg Tömmel and Amy Verdun (eds), Innovative Governance in the European Union: The Politics of Multilevel Policy-Making, (Boulder: Lynne Rienner publishing), Chapter 6, pp. 75-86.

'Introduction' with in Pompeo della Posta, Milica Uvalic and Amy Verdun (eds) Globalization, Development and Integration: A European Perspective, Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan, pp. 1-16.

'The European Union and Governance in a Globalized World' in Pompeo della Posta, Milica Uvalic and Amy Verdun (eds) Globalization, Development and Integration: A European Perspective, Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan, pp. 207-214.

'Economic growth and global competitiveness – From Rome to Maastricht to Lisbon', in Chris Rumford (ed.) Sage Handbook of European Studies, London/New York: Sage. July, pp. 245-259.

'National Banks of Belgium and the Netherlands' with Ivo Maes, in Kenneth Dyson and Martin Marcussen (eds) Central Banks in the Age of the Euro: Europeanization, Convergence, and Power, July, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 91-110.

'The Adoption of the Euro by Cyprus' in Stelios Stavridis (ed.) Understanding, Interpreting and Evaluating the European Union in 2008: Theoretical And Empirical Approaches, chapter 13, Nicosia, Cyprus: University of Nicosia Press, pp. 293-310.

2008 'The Netherlands: A Turning Point in Dutch-EU Relations?', in Kenneth Dyson (ed.) The Euro at Ten: Europeanization, Convergence and Power, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 222-240.

'Netzwerke in der Währungspolitik: Die Rolle von Experten in Ausschüssen' in Michael Gehler and Wolfram Kaiser (eds) Netzwerke im europäischen Mehrebenensystem - Von 1945 bis zur Gegenwart (“Networks in European Multilevel Governance - From 1945 to the present day”). Vienna: Böhlau Publishing, pp. 151-164.

2007 'States and the Exercise of Power in the New European Union' (with Paul Schure) in Amy Verdun (ed.) Political and Economic Consequences of Economic and Monetary Union, New York: Nova, pp. 60-81 (reprinted from Current Politics and Economics of Europe Vol 18 No 2, pp. 181-202).

'Political and Economic Consequences of Economic and Monetary Union: Taking Stock of the first Eight Years', in Amy Verdun (ed.) Political and Economic Consequences of Economic and Monetary Union, New York: Nova, pp. 1-2 (reprinted from Current Politics and Economics of Europe Vol 18 or No 2, pp. 121-123).

'Canada: Taking security seriously after 11 September?'(with Osvaldo Croci), in Emil Kirchner and James Sperling (eds), Global Security Governance: Competing Perceptions of Security in the 21st Century, London: Routledge, pp. 137-160.

'A Historical Institutionalist Analysis of the Road to Economic and Monetary Union: A journey with many crossroads' in Kathleen R. McNamara and Sophie Meunier (eds) State of the European Union Volume 8, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 195-210.

2006 '"God Save the Queen": Britain and Canada and their Large Neighboring Monetary Unions', with Melissa Padfield and Patricia Young, in Amy Verdun (ed.) Britain and Canada and Their Large Neighboring Monetary Unions, New York: Nova (reprinted from Current Politics and Economics of Europe Vol 17 No 1), pp. 1-18.

'Economic and Monetary Union' in Michele Cini (ed.) European Union Politics, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press (student textbook), (in the first edition, published in 2003 this chapter was Chapter 20, pp. 312-30). In second edition: Chapter 20 pp. 321-339.

'The Dog That Would Bark But Never Bite? Origins, Crisis and Reform of Europe's Stability and Growth Pact' (revised, expanded and updated version of the JEPP 2004 article – 50% different content) Martin Heipertz and Amy Verdun, chapter 6) in Francisco Torres, Amy Verdun and Hubert Zimmermann (eds) EMU Rules: The Political and Economic Consequences of European Monetary Integration, Baden-Baden: Nomos, International Political Economy series, pp. 115-135.

'Chapter 1: Introduction’ by Francisco Torres, Amy Verdun and Hubert Zimmermann in Francisco Torres, Amy Verdun and Hubert Zimmermann (eds) EMU Rules: The Political and Economic Consequences of European Monetary Integration, Baden-Baden: Nomos, International Political Economy series, pp. 11-16.

'Conclusion'(with Osvaldo Croci) in Osvaldo Croci and Amy Verdun (eds), The Transatlantic Divide: Foreign and Security Policies in the Atlantic Alliance from Kosovo to Iraq, Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 206-210.

'Introduction' (with Osvaldo Croci) in Osvaldo Croci and Amy Verdun (eds), The Transatlantic Divide: Foreign and Security Policies in the Atlantic Alliance from Kosovo to Iraq, Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 1-5.


'Political Economy and European Integration', in Michelle Cini and Angela Bourne (eds) Palgrave Advances in European Union Studies, Student textbook, chapter 10, pp. 174-89.

'A History of Economic and Monetary Union', in M. Peter van der Hoek Handbook of Public Administration and Policy in the European Union, New York: Dekker Francis and Taylor, pp. 645-87.

'Introduction' (with Osvaldo Croci as second author), in Amy Verdun and Osvaldo Croci (eds) The European Union in the Wake of Eastern Enlargement: Institutional and Policy-making Challenges, Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 1-8.

'The Challenges of European Union – where are we today, how did we get there, and what lies ahead?', in Amy Verdun and Osvaldo Croci (eds) The European Union in the Wake of Eastern Enlargement: Institutional and Policy-making Challenges, Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 9-22.

'Conclusion' (with Osvaldo Croci and Melissa Padfield as second /third authors), in Amy Verdun and Osvaldo Croci (eds) Institutional and Policy-making Challenges to the European Union in the Wake of Eastern Enlargement, Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 218-21.

'Introduction' in Erik Jones and Amy Verdun (eds) The Political Economy of European Integration: Theories and Analysis, London/New York: Routledge, pp. 1-10.

'An American/European Divide in European Integration Studies – Bridging the Gap with International Political Economy' in Erik Jones and Amy Verdun (eds) The Political Economy of European Integration: Theories and Analysis, London/New York: Routledge, Chapter 1. (reprinted from JEPP Vol 10 No 1), pp. 11-24.

2004 'Governing EMU Democratically: Some Lessons from Neofunctionalism and Fiscal Federalism' in Patrick Crowley (ed.), Crossing the Atlantic: Comparing the European Union and Canada, London: Ashgate, 61-84.

'Canadá y la Unión Europea: Fortaleciendo las relaciones trasatlánticas,' in Joaquín Roy, Alejandro Chanona and Roberto Domínquez (eds) La Unión Europa y el TLCAN: Integración Regional Comparada y Relaciones Mutuas, Mexico : Unversidad Nacional Autónoma de México, pp. 335-344.

'The Euro and the European Central Bank', in Desmond Dinan and Maria Green Cowles (eds) Developments in European Union Politics, London: Palgrave-Macmillan / New York: St Martin’s Press, pp. 85-99.

2003 'Economic and Monetary Union' in Michele Cini (ed.) European Union Politics, Oxford University Press (student textbook), Chapter 20, pp. 312-30.

2002 'Why EMU Happened - A Survey of Theoretical Explanations', in Patrick Crowley (ed.) Before and Beyond EMU – Historical Lessons and Future Prospects, London: Routledge, pp. 71-98.

'European Integration, Theories and Global Change', in Amy Verdun (ed.) The Euro: European Integration Theory and Economic and Monetary Union, Boulder: Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 3-8.

'Merging Neofunctionalism and Intergovernmentalism: Lessons from EMU', in Amy Verdun (ed.) The Euro: European Integration Theory and Economic and Monetary Union, Boulder: Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 11-30.

'Conclusion: Lessons from Economic and Monetary Union for Theorising European Integration' (with Lloy Wylie as second author), in Amy Verdun (ed.) The Euro: European Integration Theory and Economic and Monetary Union, Boulder: Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 243-49.

2001 'The Netherlands and EMU: A Small Open Economy in Search of Prosperity', in Kenneth Dyson (ed.) European States and the Euro: Playing the Semi-Sovereignty Game. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 238-54.

'The Political Economy of the Werner and Delors Reports:  Continuity amidst Change or Change amidst Continuity?' in Lars Magnusson and Bo Stråth (eds) From the Werner Plan to EMU: The Economic-Political Embedding of Labour Markets between Europe and the Nation in Historical View, Brussels: Peter Lange, pp. 73-96.

2000 'Introduction: Looking Beyond the Confines', (with Thomas C. Lawton, James N. Rosenau) in Thomas C. Lawton, James N. Rosenau and Amy C. Verdun (eds) Strange Power: Shaping the Parameters of International Relations and International Political Economy, Aldershot/Burlington USA/Singapore/Sydney: Ashgate, pp. 3-18

'Money Power: shaping the global financial system’, in Thomas C. Lawton, James N. Rosenau and Amy C. Verdun (eds) Strange Power: Shaping the Parameters of International Relations and International Political Economy, Aldershot/Burlington USA/Singapore/Sydney: Ashgate pp. 77-90.

'Reflections on Strange Power', with David Earnest, Louis Pauly, Thomas C. Lawton and James N. Rosenau, in Thomas C. Lawton, James N. Rosenau and Amy C. Verdun (eds) Strange Power: Shaping the Parameters of International Relations and International Political Economy, Aldershot/Burlington USA/Singapore/Sydney: Ashgate, pp. 409-20.

'Monetary Integration in Europe: Ideas and Evolution', in Maria Green Cowles and Michael Smith (eds) State of the European Union: Risks, Reform, Resistance, and Revival, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 91-109.

'Governing by Committee: The Case of Monetary Policy', in Thomas Christiansen and Emil Kirchner (eds) Committee Governance in the European Union. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 132-44.

'Policy-making, institution-building and European Monetary Union: Dilemmas of Legitimating European Integration', (co-authored with Thomas Christiansen), in Colin Crouch (ed.), After the Euro: Shaping Institutions for Governance in the Wake of European Monetary Union, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 162-78.

1999 'The Logic of Giving up National Currencies: Lessons from Europe's Monetary Union' in Emily Gilbert and Eric Helleiner (eds) Nation-States and Money. The Past, Present and Future of National Currencies, London: Routledge, 199-214.

1998 'The International Aspects of the EU's Exchange Rate Policy: European Integration and Dollar Dominance', in: Alan Cafruny and Patrick Peters (eds) The Union and the World, London: Kluwer, pp. 175-89.

'The Increased Influence of the EU Monetary Institutional Framework in Determining Monetary Policies: A Transnational Monetary Elite at Work', in Bob Reinalda and Bertjan Verbeek (eds) Autonomous Policymaking by International Organizations, London: Routledge, pp. 178-94.

1995 'The Netherlands. Full or at the Limit of Tolerance', (co-authored with J. Ter Wal and K. Westerbeek), in: B. Baumgartl and A. Favell (eds) New Xenophobia in Europe (The Hague/London: Kluwer), pp. 228-247. Also published in Italian.

Book Reviews
2009 Book review of Uwe Puetter (2006) The Eurogroup: How a Secretive Circle of Finance Ministers Shape European Economic Governance. Manchester: Manchester University Press, European Policy Research Unit Series, ISBN 07190 7403 7, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 47, No. 1. pp. 203-204.
2008 Book review of Uwe Puetter (2006) The Eurogroup: How a Secretive Circle of Finance Ministers Shape European Economic Governance. Manchester: Manchester University Press, European Policy Research Unit Series, ISBN 07190 7403 7, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 46, No. 6.

Book review of Eric Helleiner (2006) Towards North American Monetary Union. The Politics and History of Canada’s Exchange Rate Regime, McGill-Queen’s University Press ISBN 13: 978-07735-3056-0, Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 41, No. 4 (forthcoming).

'Strategy, Ideas and Political Leadership'. Contribution to a forum that discusses the book by Nicolas Jabko – Playing the Market. A Political Strategy for Uniting Europe, 1985-2005, Ithaca: Cornell University Press. French Politics, Culture and Society, Volume 6, Issue 3, pp. 116-119.

2006 Book review of C.C.A. van den Berg, (2004) The Making of the Statute of the European System of Central Banks. An Application of Checks and Balances, 596 p. ISBN: 90 5170 997 8, in De Economist, 154 (1): 133-134.

2005 Book review of Andrew Martin and George Ross (eds) (2004) Euros and Europeans. Monetary Integration and the European Model of Society Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0521835704, West European Politics, Vol 28, No. 5, pp. 1124-5.

2004 Book review of Mark Baimbridge and Philip Whyman (eds) Economic and Monetary Union in Europe: Theory, Evidence and Practice Cheltenham /Northampton: Edward Elgar, Journal of European Integration, Vol 26, No. 3, pp. 366-7.

‘Another Grand Book on European Integration?’ Review of Parsons, Craig (2003) A Certain Idea of Europe, Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, International Studies Review, Vol 6, March, 126-8.

Book review of Adrienne Héritier (ed.) (2002) Common Goods: Reinventing European and International Governance. Lanham, Boulder, New York, Oxford: Rowman and Littlefield, ISBN 07425-1701-2, in: Governance: An International Journal of Policy and Administration, Vol 17, No 1, January 2004, pp. 137-9.

2003 Book review of Dusan Sidjanski The Federal Future of Europe. From the European Community to the European Union, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2000, ISBN: 0-472-11075-6, pp. xxv, 462, in: Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol 35, No 4. pp.56-7.

Book review of Søren Dosenrode (ed.) Political Aspects of the Economic and Monetary Union: The European Challenge. Aldershot / Burlington VT: Ashgate, 2002, ISBN 0754619516 in Cooperation and Conflict – The Official Journal of the Nordic International Studies Association, vol. 38, issue 1, March, pp. 70-1.

2002 Book review of Martin Marcussen (2000) Ideas and Elites. The Social Construction of Economic and Monetary Union. Aalborg: Aalborg University Press. ISBN 8773076392, in: Canadian Journal of Sociology Vol 27 No 1 (April), pp. 123-4.

2001 Book review of Fritz W. Scharpf and Vivien A. Schmidt (eds), Welfare and Work in the Open Economy. Volume II: Diverse Responses to Common Challenges. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000, ISBN 0199222240876, in: Journal of European Integration Vol XXIII, No. 4, pp. 448-50.

2000 Book review of Desmond Dinan (ed.) (1999) Ever Closer Union: An Introduction to European Integration in Journal of European Integration, Vol. 23, no 1 pp. 102-103.

Book review of Pierre-Henri Laurent and Marc Maresceau (eds) The State of the European Union. Volume 4. Deepening and Widening. Boulder Colorado / London: Lynne Rienner 1998, ISBN 1-55587-720-6, x+374 pp., Journal of European Integration  Vol 22, No. 3, pp. 353-4.

Book review of Walter Mattli The Logic of Regional Integration: Europe and Beyond. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999, ISBN 051635365 ix+205 pp, in: Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol 38, No. 4, p. 905.

1999 Book review of Gerda Falkner, EU Social Policy in the 1990s. Towards a Corporatist Policy Community, Routledge Research in European Public Policy. London/New York: Routledge, 1998, ISBN 0-415-15777-3, xii+254 pp. in: Newsletter of the ECPR Standing Group ELIR on European Level Interest Representation, Vol 5, No. 2, June, pp. 7-8.

Book review of Andrew Moravcsik -- The Choice for Europe. Social Purpose and State Power from Messina to Maastricht, Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1998. ECSA Review, Vol XII, No 1, Winter. pp. 14-15.

1998 Book review of Christos C. Paraskevopoulos, Ricardo Grinspun, Theodore Georgakopoulos (eds) Economic Integration and Public Policy in the European Union, Cheltenham/Brookfield: Edward Elgar, 1996, ISBN 185898314, xvii+310 pp, in Journal of European Integration Vol 11 Spring, pp. 201-2.

Book review of Christopher Taylor (1995), EMU 2000? Prospects for European Monetary Union (Chatham House Papers, London: Royal Institute of International Affairs, ISBN 1855673134: x+164 pp., in Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol 35, No. 1, March. p. 160.

1996 Book review of Jeffrey Harrop (1996), Structural Funding and Employment in the European Union: Financing the Path to Integration, Cheltenham/Brookfield: Edward Elgar, ISBN 1858982197, xvii+169 pp, in Journal of European Integration Vol 20, Autumn, pp. 110-1.

1995 Europe's Struggle with the Global Political Economy. A Study of How EMU is Perceived by Actors in the Policy-making Process in Britain, France and Germany. PhD dissertation, European University Institute, Florence, Italy, December, 565 p.

Other Publications
2012 'Foreword' to the book Globalisation and European integration: critical approaches to regional order and international relations Petros Nousios, Henk Overbeek and Andreas Tsolakis (eds); Abingdon, Oxon/New York: Routledge, pp. xvi-xviii.

‘The Making of Lisbon and Its Aftermath’ Policy Brief, 7 pages, June.

2010 'How to Plan Your Study Leave', Purple Prose, UVic Women’s Caucus Newsletter, Vol 9, p.9.
2008 'Reaching Out to the East: The EU and Its Eastern Neighbours', European Council Journal, Vol 38, No. 2 (Autumn) pp. 102-105.
2007 What is Science in European Union Studies? EUSA Review, EUSA Review Forum Vol 20, No 2, Spring, (editor of four essays, and contributor of a first introductory piece, p.1), pp. 1-11.

Guest editor and author of an issue of Behind the Headlines on 'The European Union Fifty Years after the Treaties of Rome', Vol 64, No. 2, 30 p.
'Introduction’ Behind the Headlines Vol 64, No. 2, pp. 1-3.

'The EU at Fifty – Many Happy Returns?' Behind the Headlines Vol 64, No. 2, pp. 23-27.

2006 Preface to Part two of the Special Issues of Current Politics and Economics of Europe, on 'Britain and Canada and their Large Neighbouring Monetary Unions', Vol 17 No 2, pp. iii – v.

'European Migration and Asylum POLIcies: What’s the Scoop?', EUSA Review, EUSA Review Forum Vol 19, No. 3, Summer (editor of five essays, and contributor of a first introductory piece, p. 1).

Taking Stock of the Lisbon Agenda: Is Lisbon Flawed, Necessary, Window-Dressing, or All of the Above? EUSA Review, EUSA Review Forum Vol 19, No. 4, Fall, (editor of five essays, and contributor of a first introductory piece, p.1).

2005 Two entries (“the euro” and “the democratic deficit”, 1300 words each) for the Encyclopedia of International Relations and Global Politics, edited by Martin Griffiths, London: Routledge.

2004 ‘Canada and the European Union: Strengthening Transatlantic Relations’, Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series, Vol 3, No 10, November, University of Miami, EU Center.

2004 ‘The Dog that Would Never Bite: On the Origins of the Stability and Growth Pact’, Centre for Global    Political Economy, Simon Fraser University, CGPE Working Paper 04-06, 20 pages.

2003 ‘The Dog that Would Never Bite? The Past and Future of the Stability and Growth Pact’, MPIfG Working Paper 03/12, November, pp. 30.

The Stability and Growth Pact: Origins and Future, with Martin Heipertz. Research report finalised in December 2003 (printed in Cologne: Max Planck Institute, 209 p.)

1999 'Governing by Committee: The Case of the Monetary Policy', European Union Centre of California Working Paper Series, 99-5, Scripps College, Claremont, CA, USA, 27 p.

1998 'The Role of the Delors Committee in Creating EMU: An Epistemic Community?', Robert Schuman Centre Working Papers, 98/44, Florence: EUI, 27 p.

1997 'The Democratic Deficit of EMU' European Forum Paper, European University Institute, January, 28p.

1996 'EMU - The Product of Policy Learning and Consensus Among Monetary Experts', Human Capital and Mobility Occasional Paper Series, No 7, 30 p.

Reviews of Dr. Verdun's Publications

2010 Ruling Europe: The Politics of the Stability and Growth Pact, with Martin Heipertz, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; ISBN-13: 9780521197502, due out April 2010. (Review of Ruling Europe)