Introduction to the Warrior
Age appropriate and why
- Entry
None. The class had no creative dance experience and it appears that
extent of their P.E. lessons was free time.
- Exit ability: They have a basic
of movement to music and they are able to create their own movements to
piece of music. They even managed to move in the space without crashing
one another.
Connections to BC IRP for PE (K - 7)
Background of the students:
The class was a group of 7 grade 2 and 3 boys.
They were from a low socioeconomic background. The boys' behaviors
ranged from anger management, psychological problems, autistic spectrum
disorder... the list goes on. Some of the boys lived at home, with
grandparents and others lived in foster homes or at Ledger house (a
group home). Some of the boys had spent some time on the psychiatric
ward at Queen Alexandra. This group was a mishmash of abilities and
behaviors. Some of the boys had extreme outbursts while others were
and only got a little bit off task. If this dance can be taught to a
such as this, it can be taught to any class.
Suggestions of how to use the dance:
This dance could be taught to grade 2 if it is simplified up to about
grade 4.