papers | handouts | reviews | CRG
- Werle. 2015–2020. Dialect codes for Westcoast (South Wakashan) languages. UVic ms.
- Werle. 2015. Nuuchahnulth grammar reference for LC language notes. Quuquuatsa Language Society ms.
- Gerdts and Werle. 2014. Halkomelem clitic types. Morphology 24.
- Werle. 2013. A comparison of moods in four Nuu-chah-nulth dialects. UVic ms.
- Werle. 2011–2015. Archiving Nuuchahnulth language data. Huu-ay-aht First Nations ms.
- Werle. 2010. The Phonology of Wakashan Languages. UVic ms.
- Werle. 2010. Native Names of Westcoast Tribes Part 1: The Meanings of Tribal Names. Huu-ay-aht Uyaqhmis 17.
- Davidson and Werle. 2010. Makah texts and analysis. ICSNL 45.
- Nicolson and Werle. 2009. An investigation of modern Kwak’wala determiner systems. UVic ms.
- Werle. 2009. Word, Phrase, and Clitic Prosody in Bosnian, Serbian, and Croatian. UMass, Amherst PhD dissertation.
- Werle. 2007. Ditidaht Vowel Alternations and Prosody. CJL 52.
- Werle. 2004. Enclisis and Proclisis in Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian. WCCFL 23.
- Pater and Werle. 2003. Direction of Assimilation in Child Consonant Harmony. CJL 48.
- Werle. 2002. The Southern Wakashan one-foot word. ICSNL 37.
- Werle. 2002. A typology of negative indefinites. CLS 38.
- Werle. 2000. Semantic incorporation in Lillooet. ICSNL 35.
- Werle. 2021. Encoding the Haas-Swadesh lexical slips. UVic ms.
- Werle. 2021. Nuuchahnulth transliteration conventions. UVic ms.
- Werle. 2019. Quick tips: Recording language audio. UVic ms.
- Werle. 2019. Quick tips: Editing language audio. UVic ms.
- Werle. 2017–2021. A reference to Philip Drucker’s Nuuchahnulth transcriptions. UVic ms.
- Werle. 2017. An index to the Sapir-Thomas texts. QLS ms.
- Inman and Werle. 2016/08/14. Word Categories in Westcoast. ICSNL 51. Sliammon First Nation, BC.
- Inman and Werle. 2016/08/13. Westcoast (South Wakashan) glossing conventions. ICSNL 51. Sliammon First Nation, BC.
- Werle. 2010/02/24. Recommended Unicode characters for digitizing Wakashan languages. UVic ms.
- Werle. 2007/01/07. Second-position clitics and second-position suffixes in Southern Wakashan. SSILA 2007. Oakland, CA.
- Werle. 2007/01/06. Three approaches to clitic reordering in Bosnian, Serbian, and Croatian. LSA 2007. Oakland, CA.
- Werle. 2003/08/13. The phonetic correlates of vowel length in Makah. ICSNL 38. Upper St’át’imc Language, Culture and Education Society. Lillooet, BC.
- Werle. 2010. Review. Kleanthes Grohmann, ed. 2009. InterPhases: Phase-Theoretic Investigations of Linguistic Interfaces. Linguist List 21.2488.
- Werle. 2007. Review. Tanya Reinhart 2006. Interface Strategies: Optimal and Costly Computation. Linguist List 18.913.
- Werle. 2005. Book Notice. Susann Fischer 2002. The Catalan clitic system: A diachronic perspective on its syntax and phonology. Language 81:2. 523-524.
- Werle. 2003. Review. Linda van Bergen 2003. Pronouns and Word Order in Old English: With Particular Reference to the Indefinite Pronoun man. Linguist List 14.1935.
Clitics Reading Group
- Anderson, Huijsmans, Werle. 2014/12/18. adverbial clisis notes. (clm, hbs, hur, str, zap)
- Anderson. 2014/12/18. Colonial Valley Zapotec clitics. (zap)
- Anderson. 2014/11/13. Brown and Thompson 2012. (hur)
- Werle. 2014/11/13. Westcoast clisis. (dtd, myh, nuk)
- Huijsmans. 2014/10/23. Beck 1999. (lut)
- Leonard. 2014/09/18. Spencer and Luis 2012, 3.2.